Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals
Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IFOAs) set environmental rules for how forestry operations can be carried out in State Forests and Crown Timber Lands in NSW. We inspect these operations to make sure they are following the rules, and can take action if they are not.
IFOAs effectively set out rules to protect native plants, animals, important habitat and ecosystems, soils and water in native forestry operations on public land. They also set requirements to achieve ecologically sustainable forest management in NSW.
There are 4 IFOAs in NSW:
- Brigalow Nandewar
- South-Western Cypress
- Riverina Red Gum
- Coastal IFOA (covering the areas of the previous Upper North East, Lower North East, Southern and Eden IFOAs)
This map identifies the forestry regions of NSW, which are covered by separate forestry approvals. In coastal regions, public native forests are subject to NSW Forest Agreements and Regional Forest Agreements with the Commonwealth.