All waste generated in the Metropolitan Levy Area (MLA) must be tracked when transported out of NSW (10 tonnes or more). There are certain exclusions for this requirement, which are legislated under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014.
Hazardous and high-risk wastes have different tracking requirements.
The waste consignor has the legal obligation to ensure the waste transported from the Metropolitan Levy Area out of NSW is properly tracked.
Steps on waste tracking
Within three days after the transportation of the waste commences, you must use the EPA's online waste tracking system to:
- Create a transport report (TR)
- Provide transport report to the transporter of the waste
The EPA has developed the online waste tracking system to enable transport reports to be created and emailed to the waste transporter. The online tracking system is secure and designed to protect commercially sensitive information. You require a user ID and password to access it.
New user
If you are required to track Metropolitan Levy Area waste and need a new user ID and password, please complete the User Application for Metropolitan Levy Area Online Waste Tracking Form (DOC 45KB) and tick new consignor in the table provided.
Current users
If you already use the online waste tracking system and have an existing user ID and password to track hazardous waste, but will be required to track Metropolitan Levy Area waste, please complete the above form and tick existing user in the table provided.
Completed forms for new consignors or existing users should be sent to Once processed, you will receive an email with a username and password.
Instructions to using the online waste tracking system to track MLA waste
Once you have a user ID and password, please log into the online waste tracking system and access the appropriate section by selecting MLA waste tracking on the side bar.
Create a new consignment template
For regular users, consignment templates (CTs) allow the pre-population of load details for future consignments. A consignment template must also be created for one-off or sporadic consignments.
To create a consignment template select new consignment template under MLA waste tracking.
- Select a consignor (if you have access to only one consignor, these details will be automatically populated)
- Search for a receiving facility by entering the receiving facility name, licence number or suburb.
- Select the receiving facility from the list and click next.
Note: If the receiving facility is not listed, please complete the Receiving Facility for Metropolitan Levy Area Online Waste Tracking Form (DOC 72KB) and send to
- Select the waste types that will be transported and click next.
- Select the treatment type for each waste type and click next.
- If the pickup location is the same one as the consignor, click pickup at consignor location
Search for pick up location or create a new pick up location if it is not already in the system. Click next. - Select a default transporter (optional), click next.
- Check CT details, complete where necessary and add notes (optional).
- Tick the agreement box and click Create CT.
A consignment template (CT) with a unique code will be created. You will now be able to report the consignment to the EPA and the transporter by creating a transport report (TR).
Create a new transport report
Once you have created a consignment template you can generate the transport report by selecting new transport report under MLA waste tracking.
- Search for an existing CT using the CT number, waste code, receiving facility, transporter or consignor.
- Select CT and click Create TR.
- Check TR details, confirm waste codes and treatment types and enter date, tonnages, vehicle registration details, transport type and add notes (optional).
Note: dates cannot be a future date. Please create a TR within three days of the transportation commencing.
- Tick the agreement box and click Create TR.
A transport report with a unique code will be created. You have now reported the consignment to the EPA.
To fulfil your obligation to give the transporter details of the load, you can email the transport report to the transporter in the system from the screen where the transport report number is provided by clicking send email and entering the transporter email address. The transporter will receive an email directly from the system.
The transport report can also be viewed or printed from this screen or by selecting existing transport certificate on the side bar.
If the waste consignor has failed to give the transporter the details of the load (as a transport report issued by the online waste tracking system), the waste transporter has the legal obligation to give written notice to the EPA, within 4 days after the transportation commences.
Transporters must provide consignors with all required contact details, including a valid email address so they can receive the transport report issued by the online waste tracking system.
For any enquiries or support please contact the EPA at: