Waste data surveys

Find NSW local council reports on domestic waste, and recycling and surveys of commercial and industrial waste streams (waste from manufacturers, shops and businesses).

Local council waste and resource recovery data

Annual survey data reports: waste and recyclables collected from NSW households

When comparing the figures for local government areas (LGAs), it is important to consider regional variations in consumption patterns, available services, data availability, and the interpretation of survey questions.

Please note: the report format for WaRR has changed as of 2022-23 to incorporate improvements.

Commercial and industrial waste stream surveys

Commercial and industrial Waste Survey: Regulated Areas of NSW 2014

Disposal-based audit Commercial and industrial waste stream in the regulated areas of NSW

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Pilot generator site-based audit Commercial and industrial waste stream in the Metropolitan Levy Area

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Commercial and Industrial Waste Survey: Sydney 2008

Commercial and Industrial Waste in the Lower Hunter 2009

Construction and Demolition waste stream audit

Sydney Metropolitan Area, 2000–2005

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