Targeted Compliance Program

Every year we identify projects for focused and coordinated compliance action. Our Targeted Compliance Program (previously referred to as our Regulatory Priorities) is one of a number of important elements of our proactive response to critical issues and emerging risks to the environment and our community. The program comprises projects that are big enough to warrant coordinated work across the organisation, and where a difference can be achieved within a twelve-month period.

2024-25 Targeted Compliance Program Projects

Asbestos: asbestos waste generation and transport

Compliance campaign to ensure asbestos waste generators and transporters are registered and using Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS)

Waste: Organics and Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste processing sectors

Assess inputs, processes and outputs for facilities producing mulch, pasteurised garden organics, compost and recovered fines

Air quality: Air quality at metalliferous mines

Assess compliance with air quality requirements at metalliferous mines

Chemicals: Improving Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) management

Maintaining investigation partnerships with the Rural Fire Service and Fire & Rescue NSW and assisting the broader community living with PFAS adjustments

Forestry: Greater Glider tree retention and protection

Assessing compliance with the application of tree retention and protection requirements for endangered greater gliders in forestry operations

Water quality: Erosion and Sediment Control

Audit and inspection of sediment basins at licensed premises

Radiation: Radiation Certification Compliance Campaign

Assessing compliance against radiation management licence requirements for medical practices in NSW that provide radiography services

Hazardous chemicals: Review and transition of hazardous chemicals licences

Improved regulation of high-risk industrial chemicals by integration into the licensing framework of the Protection of the Environment Operations (POEO) Act.