Our regulatory framework: Enforce

We act as stewards by taking appropriate action, using our powers to compel people and businesses to address or remedy harm and comply with legislation when needed.

As environmental stewards we may take enforcement action to compel people, businesses and organisations  to meet their legal obligations when requirements are not followed to address and remedy harm. Enforcement may include addressing the non-compliance, fixing the problem and treating the harm.

For example:

  • We enforce the risk-based licensing framework to make sure we identify and target the highest environmental risks.
  • We use a range of notices, directions and orders to control harm to the environment or human health.  This includes prevention notices to prevent harm, stop work orders to address harm and clean-up notices to reduce harm.
  • We require some businesses and public authorities that have an environment protection licence to complete pollution studies and pollution reduction programs. These help us understand and reduce the environmental impacts of certain activities.
  • When necessary, we will use the full force of the law and may prosecute people, businesses and public authorities (refer to our Prosecution Guidelines). This could involve penalties, court orders or civil proceedings.

Examples of how we enforce