Our regulatory framework: who we work with

We work with our communities, Aboriginal peoples, industry, government and a range of organisations applying our regulatory framework to improve outcomes.

Icon: Communities


Icon: Aboriginal peoples

Aboriginal peoples, communities & organisations

Icon: Industry

Industry and the regulated community

Icon: Local government

Local government and local land managers

Icon: Other regulators

Other regulators

Icon: Government research

Government and research organisations

Icon: Interest groups

Interest groups and NGOs

We work with and empower communities to understand the environmental issues affecting those communities, as well as what they need from us or others to protect and restore the environment.
We prioritise meaningful relationships with Aboriginal peoples, communities and organisations to deepen our understanding of how best to Care for Country. We work with industry on modern best practice solutions to issues. We work with the regulated community to help deliver better outcomes. We partner with local government to protect the environment and our communities;  we work to collectively solve problems. We work with other regulators to identify and solve environmental problems, improve regulatory practice and reduce regulatory overlap.
We partner with government, research organisations, universities and peak bodies to identify current problems and future risks and develop  innovative environmental solutions using the best available science.
We work with interest groups and NGOs to understand and gain important insights about the environmental issues they are concerned about and how it will inform our work.