Radiation user licence - list of current radiation safety courses and course providers

Click on the relevant licence type link below to find a list of current course providers and radiation safety courses available for that licence type. Applicants who need specific advice on radiation safety courses for the purposes of gaining a radiation licence should contact the Regulatory and Compliance Support Unit on 9995 5700 or at dgrp.licensing@epa.nsw.gov.au.

IA5 Use radiation apparatus for analytical purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number

Bartolo Safety Management Services


The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory

The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory


Bill Bartolo

02 9528 7676


National On-Site Training


Use radiation apparatus for analytical purposes - fixed or portable


Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


RXNS Pty Ltd


Industrial radiation safety course


Frank Galea

02 4632 7727


SA Radiation Pty Ltd IA5 Enclosed XRF & XRD analysers and handheld XRF analysers SA Kent Gregory

0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au

Virtual Accident Pty Ltd


X-rays for licence conditions IA5/IA8


Michelle Wakelam

03 8555 2486


IA6 Use radiation apparatus for industrial radiography

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Advanced Technology Testing and Research (ATTAR) IA6 Radiation safety national module EA612 Gamma and X-Ray VIC Ken Williamson/Shaina Johnson/Mark Welland


Aeronautical Inspection Services IA6 Radiation safety training for NSW EPA IA6 radiation user licence NSW Colin Hockings

0466 836 770


Bureau Veritas AIRS Pty Ltd (formerly known as CCI Pope and prior to CCI Pope, CW Pope) IA6 Radiation safety for industrial radiographers NSW Jillian Disint


Laboratories for Materials Advanced Testing Services (LMATS) IA6 Radiation safety training for industrial radiography VIC Course coordinator

03 9399 8145

Protecs Global Pty Ltd IA6  Radiography and radiation safety training to national module EA612 QLD  Hamed Madani

07 3492 9213


Safe Radiation Pty Ltd IA6 Radiation safety industrial radiography QLD Riaz Ahmad Akber

0433 994 396


IA7 Use radiation apparatus for industrial gauging (not installed in fixed position)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) IA7 Safe use of x-ray equipment NSW ANSTO Training Services


IA8 Use radiation apparatus for scientific or research purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) IA8 Safe use of x-ray equipment NSW ANSTO Training Services


Bartolo Safety Management Services IA8 The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo

02 9528 7676

National On Site Training IA8 Use radiation apparatus for educational, scientific or research purposes QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Australian Radiation Services Pty Ltd)  IA8 Radiation safety for x-ray apparatus in science and research VIC Course Coordinator

03 9574 3361 


Virtual Accident Pty Ltd IA8 X-rays for licence conditions IA5/IA8 VIC Michelle Wakelam

03 8555 2486


IA9 Use radiation apparatus for educational purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Bartolo Safety Management Services IA9

The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory

The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory

NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


National On Site Training IA9 Use radiation apparatus for educational, scientific or research purposes QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


IA10 Use radiation apparatus for installing and/or servicing radiation apparatus

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) IA10 Safe use of x-ray equipment NSW ANSTO Training Services


National On Site Training IA10 Installation, repair, maintenance and calibration of radiation apparatus and substances QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Australian Radiation Services Pty Ltd)  IA10  Radiation safety for installation and servicing of x-ray apparatus VIC  Course Coordinator

03 9574 3361 


RXNS Pty Ltd  IA10 Industrial radiation safety course NSW Frank Galea

02 4632 7727


RadTest Australia (formerly provided by Radsmart) IA10 Radiation safety in the installation and servicing of x-ray equipment Vic Emily Cracknell

03 9718 1110


SA Radiation Pty Ltd IA10 Installation of cabinet x-ray SA Kent Gregory 0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au

IA12 Use radiation apparatus for calibration and quality assurance purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) IA12 Safe use of x-ray equipment NSW ANSTO Training Services


IA14R Use radiation apparatus for diagnostic radiography (restricted)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Heatlh Education and Training Institute IA14R NSW Limited licence radiography course NSW Adjunct Professor Annette Solman


IA16D Use computed tomography for diagnostic and nuclear medicine technology

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Charles Sturt University IA16D
  • Bachelor of medical radiation science (nuclear medicine) - (completed prior to December 2023). Note: this 4 -year degree includes 3 weeks clinical training in diagnostic CT imaging. 
  • Bachelor of medical radiation science (nuclear medicine and molecular imaging).  Note: 4 -year degree that includes 3 weeks clinical training in diagnostic CT imaging.
NSW Kelly Spurr


02 6933 4550


Rural Alliance in Nuclear Medicine Scintigraphy (RAINS) IA16D Diagnostic CT for the nuclear medicine technologist NSW Geoff Currie

02 6933 2822


University of Newcastle IA16D Bachelor of medical radiation science (nuclear medicine) - 4 year degree (commenced 2016) NSW Peter Stanwell

02 4921 6586


IA18 Use radiation apparatus while undertaking the duties of a Radiation safety officer

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Radiation Protection Accreditation Board (ARPAB) IA18 Certification in ionising radiation safety within Australia and New Zealand SA Kent Gregory

0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au

Bartolo Safety Management Services IA18 The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory  NSW  Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


National On Site Training IA18 Use radiation apparatus while undertaking duties as a Radiation Safety Officer QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


IA19 Use portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) radiation apparatus for analysis

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)  IA19 Safe use of x-ray equipment NSW ANSTO Training Services


AXT Pty Ltd
X-ray radiation safety training and handheld x-ray user training NSW  Ross Appleby 

02 9450 1359

Bartolo Safety Management Services IA19 Safe use of portable X-ray equipment for scientific and analytical purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Environmental Science Solutions IA19 Training course for the safe use of portable and hand-held XRF devices NSW Paul Harvey

0423 513 732


Evident Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Olympus Australia Pty Ltd) IA19 Field portable analytical radiation apparatus - radiation safety NSW Arda Véronique Lepedjian 

02 9886 3981


National On Site Training IA19 Use radiation apparatus for analytical purposes -fixed or portable QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


Portable Analytical Solutions Pty Ltd IA19 Hand-held and field portable XRF radiation safety training course NSW Paul Martin

02 4381 2844


Portable Scientific Pty Ltd IA19 SciAps handheld XRF radiation safety and user training   WA Simon Bailey simon@sciaps.au
Portable XRF Service Pty Ltd (trading as Portable Spectral Services) IA19 Radiation theory and training in the use of portable XRFs WA

Christabel Brand

Hannah Overmyer

08 9321 2830



Radiation Consulting Australia IA19 Radiation safety training: Handheld (portable) XRF devices SA Daniel Emes


SA Radiation Pty Ltd IA19 Enclosed XRF & XRD analysers and handheld XRF analysers SA Kent Gregory

0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au

IA20 Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography (dental assistants/nurses)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Dental Assistants Professional Association (DAPA) IA20 HLT45021 Certificate IV in dental assisting
NSW Martin Thomas

02 9569 3220

Foundation Education Pty Ltd IA20 HLT45021 Certificate IV in dental assisting
NSW Jennifer Soon

1300 616 197


NSW Department of Technical and Further Education IA20 HLT45021 Certificate IV in dental assisting NSW TAFE NSW

Certificate IV in Dental Assisting HLT45021-01 | TAFE NSW

Enquiry (custhelp.com)

IA22 Use radiation apparatus for medical fluoroscopy (specialist other than radiologists)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Hunter New England Area Health Service IA22 Fluoroscopy radiation safety training course NSW Jennifer Diffey

02 4921 3380


SA Radiation Pty Ltd IA22 Radiation safety - fluoroscopic x-ray units used for imaging NSW Kent Gregory 0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au 
The Canberra Hospital IA22 Radiation safety course for medical practitioners involved in fluoroscopy ACT Chris Williams  Chris.Williams@act.gov.au
Western Sydney Local Health District (Westmead Hospital) IA22 Fluoroscopy radiation safety training course NSW David Skerrett

02 8890 5555


IA23S Use radiation apparatus for veterinary purposes under supervision (assistants)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Charles Sturt University IA23S Bachelor of Veterinary Technology 
NSW Dr Esther Callcott


IA24 Use cone beam computed tomography for dental radiography – Dentists/Dental hygienists/Dental therapists/Dental assistants/nurses

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
OMR Partners Pty Ltd IA24 Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) course WA Bernard Koong

08 6382 3888


Dr Amar Sholapurkar Pty Ltd IA24 Cone beam computed tomography (online course) QLD Dr Amar Sholapurkar

0455 254 361


Ristom Pty Ltd IA24 Cone beam computed tomography pre-licensing course QLD Paul Monsour

0430 771 056


Teledent Dental Imaging Diagnostics IA24 Cone Beam CT radiation use licence course and examination (DEN 4 CBCT licence course) Vic Louise Brown                      

0419 564 075


IA27 Use radiation apparatus for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) (Tier 1) / IA27S Use radiation apparatus for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) (Tier 2)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian and New Zealand Bone Mineral Society IA27 & IA27S Clinical densitometry course NSW Yvone Johnson

02 9256 5405


Hologic (Australia) Pty Ltd IA27 & IA27S Hologic radiation awareness for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) operation NSW Mike Turner

02 9888 8000


Inmed Healthcare Pty Ltd (formerly Inderlec Australia Pty Ltd) IA27 & IA27S Radiation safety course and manufacturers training certificate for DEXA and pQCT NSW Jeffrey Gibson

1300 364 336


International Osteoporosis Foundation IA27 & IA27S Osteoporosis: Essentials of densitometry, diagnosis and management - An international course of IOF and ISCD                      

Susan Baldwin

Geoff Roff






Medical and Scientific Services Pty Ltd IA27 & IA27S Bone densitometry operators course
WA Jonathon Thwaites

08 9384 6098
0419 924 355


IA41 Use radiation apparatus for detection of concealed items

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) IA41 Safe use of x-ray equipment NSW ANSTO Training Services


IA42 Use for human imaging for security screening purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Corrective Services NSW IA42 Radiation Safety Training - IA42 Human screening for security purposes
NSW Malcolm Brown


Diagnostic Radiation Services IA42 Use licence training for whole body security screening  NSW David Leslie


IA47 Use radiation apparatus for the production of radionuclides

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Cyclotek NSW Pty Ltd IA47 Cyclotek NSW cyclotron user training course (in house only) NSW Mr Michael Tran

02 9532 2900


S5 Use radioactive substances for analytical purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Bartolo Safety Management Services S5 The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S5 The safe use of sealed sources for laboratory purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S5 The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S5 The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


National On Site Training S5 Use radioactive substances for analytical purposes QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


RXNS Pty Ltd S5 Industrial radiation safety course NSW Frank Galea

02 4632 7727


University of NSW (UNSW) S5 Unsealed ionising radiation sources used for analytical and scientific or research purposes (online) NSW Samela Husakovic


Virtual Accident



Unsealed sources - Ionising radiation (online)

Sealed sources - Ionising radiation (online)


Michelle Wakelam

03 8555 2486


S6 Use radioactive substances for industrial radiography

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Advanced Technology Testing and Research (ATTAR) S6 Radiation safety national module EA612 Gamma and x-ray VIC Ken Williamson/Shaina Johnson/Mark Welland


Bureau Veritas AIRS Pty Ltd (formerly known as CCI Pope/CW Pope) S6 Radiation safety for industrial radiographers NSW Jillian Disint


Laboratories for Materials Advanced Testing Services (LMATS) S6 Radiation safety training for industrial radiography VIC Course coordinator

03 9399 8145

Protecs Global Pty Ltd S6 Radiography and radiation safety training to national module EA612
 QLD Hamed Madani

07 3492 9213


Safe Radiation Pty Ltd S6 Radiation safety industrial radiography QLD Riaz Ahmad  Akber

07 3800 9196


S7 Use radioactive substances for industrial gauging

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S7 Safe use of industrial gauges NSW ANSTO Training Services


National On Site Training S7 Use radioactive substances for industrial gauging QLD Tim Hargreaves

07 3391 1718


Radiation Consulting Australia  S7 Radiation safety training: Safe handling of fixed radiation gauges SA  Daniel Emes

0439 879 737


RXNS Pty Ltd S7 Industrial radiation safety course NSW Frank Galea

02 4632 7727


SA Radiation Pty Ltd S7 Radiation safety for fixed gauges (sources and x-ray) SA Gregory Kent 0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au 

S8 Use radioactive substances for scientific or research purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S8 Radiation safety for laboratory workers NSW ANSTO Training Services


Bartolo Safety Management Services S8 The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S8 The safe use of sealed sources for laboratory purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S8 The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory  NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S8 The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory  NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


National On Site Training S8 Use radioactive substances for educational, scientific or research QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


University of NSW (UNSW) S8 Unsealed ionising radiation sources used for analytical and scientific or research purposes (online) NSW Samela Husakovic radiationresearch@unsw.edu.au
University of Sydney S8 Radiation safety for laboratory workers NSW Steven Wolstencroft


Virtual Accident


Unsealed sources - Ionising radiation (online)

Sealed sources - Ionising radiation (online)


Michelle Wakelam

03 8555 2486


Western Sydney Local Health District (Westmead Hospital) S8 I-125 seed handling for breast pathology NSW David Skerrett

02 8890 5555


S9 Use radioactive substances for educational purposes 

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Bartolo Safety Management Services S9 The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S9 The safe use of sealed sources in the laboratory  NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S9 The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S9 The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


National On Site Training S9 Use radioactive substances for educational, scientific or research QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718



S10 Use radioactive substances for installing &/or servicing of devices containing a radioactive substance

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S10 Radiation safety for laboratory workers NSW ANSTO Training Services


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S10 Safe use of industrial gauges NSW Robert Blackley

02 9717 9434


National On Site Training S10 Installation, repair, maintenance and calibration of radiation apparatus and substances QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


RXNS Pty Ltd S10 Industrial radiation safety course NSW Frank Galea

02 4632 7727


S12 Use radioactive substances for quality assurance purposes

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S12 Radiation safety for laboratory workers NSW ANSTO Training Services


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S12

Safe use of industrial gauges

NSW ANSTO Training Services

02 9717 9434


Bartolo Safety Management Services S12 The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S12 The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services S12 The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


S18 Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties of a Radiation safety officer (restricted)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
National On Site Training S18 Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties as a Radiation Safety Officer QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


S18A Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties of a Radiation safety officer (unrestricted)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Radiation Protection Accreditation Board (ARPAB) S18A Certification in ionising radiation safety within Australia and New Zealand SA Kent Gregory 0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au
National Onsite Training S18A Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties as a Radiation Safety Officer QLD Anthony Barber  07 3391 1718


S19 Use a sealed source device in a portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyser

Course provider and licence code Licence code  Course title  State  Contact name  Contact number 
Portable Analytical Solutions Pty Ltd S19 Radiation safety course - Niton XLp NSW Paul Martin

02 4381 2844


S23NMT Use radioactive substances for therapeutic veterinary nuclear medicine

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Dosel (Australasia) Pty Ltd S23NMT I-131 treatment for feline hyperthyroidism
NSW Vivien Munoz-Ferrada vivien@myrso.org

S23S Use radioactive for veterinary therapy nuclear medicine procedures (Veterinary nurses handling I-131 waste)

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Dosel (Australasia) Pty Ltd S23S I-131 treatment for feline hyperthyroidism
NSW Vivien Munoz-Ferrada vivien@myrso.org
The University of Sydney S23S Radiation safety awareness on the use of I-131 in veterinary therapy NSW Steven Wolstencroft safety.RSO@sydney.edu.au 

S30 Use radioactive substances for moisture/density determination

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S30 Safe use of industrial gauges NSW ANSTO Training Services


Coffey Geosciences Pty Ltd/Coffey International S30 Radiation safety course for nuclear moisture/density gauges NSW John Kennedy

0468 418 715


Hunter Geotechnical Services (Formerly Hunter Civilab) S30 Radiation safety users course S30 licence  NSW Scott Picton

02 4966 1844


National On Site Training S30 Use radioactive substances for density moisture measurements QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


RadSafety Solutions S30 Radiation safety in the use of portable moisture density gauge NSW Linda McCarthy

0409 848 535


RadTest Australia S30 Safe use of density/moisture gauges containing radioactive sources VIC Emily Cracknell

03 9718 1110


RXNS P/Ltd S30 Industrial radiation safety course (s30 licence) operation of moisture density gauges NSW Frank Galea

0418 968 287


SA Radiation Pty Ltd S30 Portable moisture/density gauges radiation safety training course SA Kent Gregory

0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au

S35 Use radioactive substances for borehole logging

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) S35 Safe use of industrial gauges NSW ANSTO Training Services


Groundsearch Australia Pty Limited S35 Radiation safety for borehole logging operators NSW John Lea

02 4932 3582


National On Site Training S35 Use sealed source devices for borehole QLD Anthony Barber

07 3391 1718


SA Radiation Pty Ltd S35 Borehole logging (sources) radiation safety training SA Kent Gregory

0410 388 018 kent@saradiation.com.au

S36 Use radioactive substances for radiopharmacy

Course provider and licence code Licence code Course title State Contact name Contact number
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)


Criteria 1

Radiation safety for laboratory workers NSW ANSTO Training Services


Bartolo Safety Management Services


Criteria 1 

The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services


Criteria 1

The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Bartolo Safety Management Services


Criteria 1

The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory NSW Bill Bartolo 02 9528 7676


Cyclotek NSW Pty Ltd S36

Criteria 3

Cyclotek NSW radiation competency assessment NSW

Jana Delamont

Aidan Kenny

Jonathan Tortorici

02 9532 2900




Prince of Wales Hospital (SESLHD) S36 Criteria 3 Radiation safety education for radiopharmaceutical scientists working in nuclear medicine
NSW Bruce McBride

02 9382 2200


Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (SLHD)


Criteria 1

Radiation safety for radiation chemists (sealed and unsealed sources) NSW Alice Caldwell

02 9515 6023


Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (SLHD)


Criteria 3

In-house dispensing and radiation safety procedures in PET and nuclear medicine hot labs NSW Alice Caldwell

 02 9515 6023


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