Radiation user licence – criteria

Are you a worker from interstate? From 1 December 2022, if you hold a valid and current radiation user licence in another state or territory (besides Queensland), you may be entitled to work in NSW under automatic mutual recognition (AMR). If eligible for AMR, you may no longer need to apply for, or renew, a NSW radiation user licence but will need to notify the EPA of your intention to work in NSW.

Find out more about automatic mutual recognition and if you are eligible.

Applicants  seeking a licence to use regulated material (sealed source devices; ionising radiation apparatus; and radioactive substances- sealed and unsealed sources) must demonstrate to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) that they have appropriate knowledge of the principles and practices of radiation safety and protection, and experience applicable to the activities proposed to be carried out under the user licence. The applicant must also be a fit and proper person (s. 5 of the Act), which includes being technically competent to hold a user licence under the Radiation Control Act.

Applicants who can demonstrate that they meet the necessary criteria, have provided all required documentation and the applicable application fee will usually have their application approved within 14 working days.

Applicants who cannot easily show that they meet the necessary set criteria, or where part or no criteria have been specified, will be considered on a case by case basis. Examples of this situation may include overseas qualifications or extensive experience in lieu of any pre-requisite qualifications. Assessment of these applications will take longer and incur an increased application fee as the EPA may refer these applications to the Radiation Advisory Council for advice. Processing of these applications may take between 10-12 weeks.

Most licence conditions have a number of knowledge/experience 'criteria' which need to be met by prospective licensees before the condition can be granted. The work categories are listed below.

Information and links

  • To find the criteria for gaining a radiation licence, select the relevant work category below, then select the relevant condition code. Note some courses will have 'course completed prior to date' - these courses are accepted when applying for your licence if completed in the time frame provided.
  • To find an approved EPA course and provider see Radiation user licence - list of current radiation safety courses and course providers
  • Apply, vary or renew a radiation user licence online with eConnect EPA.

For further advice contact the EPA Regulatory and Compliance Support unit on 02 9995 5700 or email dgrp.licensing@epa.nsw.gov.au.

Common work categories

IA5: Use radiation apparatus for analytical purposes
S5: Use radioactive substances for analytical purposes

IA5: Use radiation apparatus for analytical purposes

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:



Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Radiation safety for x-ray equipment personnel (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Industrial radiation safety officer SIRSO - 3 days (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Protection from ionising radiation - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for x-ray analysis operators (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for x-ray cabinet operators (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for x-ray imaging operators (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety with x-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of fixed radiation gauges SIG (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe use of industrial radiation gauges (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe use of x-ray devices SXD (completed prior to 30/6/2019)

Australian National University

Ionising radiation hazards (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Bartolo Safety Management Services

  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Safe use of XRD equipment in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory

BHP Steel, Flat Products Division, Port Kembla Steelworks

In-house training x-ray fluorescence operators (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Mike Carter & Associates

Radiation safety in laboratories using XRD and XRF equipment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Liverpool Hospital

In-house training - Blood irradiator safety training course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

National On Site Training
  • Use radiation apparatus for analytical purposes - fixed or portable
  • Radiation safety for users of x-ray devices (completed prior to 14/12/2018)

Radiation Engineering Measurement Services Pty Ltd

Industrial radiation safety - Its basics, use and your responsibilities (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of x-ray equipment in the laboratory environment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RXNS Pty Ltd (formerly R & X Nuclear Services Pty Ltd)

  • Industrial radiation safety course
  • Radiation safety course radiation safety gauge (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
SA Radiation Pty Ltd Enclosed XRF & XRD analysers and handheld XRF analysers
Virtual Accident Pty Ltd
  • x-rays for licence conditions IA5/IA8
  • Ionising radiation and research (completed prior to 26/2/2019)

S5: Use radioactive substances for analytical purposes

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses, applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:



Australian National University Ionising radiation safety (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Protection from ionising radiation radioisotope course no. 36 - 20 days (completed prior to 30/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers SLW (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe handling and use of unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of portable density/moisture gauges SNG (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Barringer Instruments Ltd, Canberra

Operator and service engineer for the ionscan model 400 narcotics detection system (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Bartolo Safety Management Services
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed and unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources & X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes
  • The safe use of sealed sources for laboratory purposes
  • The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory 

Canberra Institute of Technology

Portable x-ray fluorescence applications (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Heart Research Institute

In-house training on safe handling of various unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Mike Carter & Associates

Radiation safety in laboratories using XRD and XRF equipment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

National On Site Training Use radioactive substances for analytical purposes

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of x-ray equipment in the laboratory environment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RXNS Pty Ltd (formerly R & X Nuclear Services Pty Ltd)

Industrial radiation safety course

University of New England

Safe handling of radioactive isotopes (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Sydney

Radiation safety in laboratories (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of NSW (UNSW) Unsealed ionising radiation sources used for analytical and scientific or research purposes (NSW EPA radiation user licences S5 and S8)
Virtual Accident
  • Unsealed sources - Ionising radiation S5/S8
  • Ionising radiation and research (completed prior to 26/2/2019)
  • Sealed sources - Ionising radiation S5/S8

IA12: Use radiation apparatus for calibration and quality assurance purposes

S12: Use radioactive substances for calibration and quality assurance purposes

S46: Use radioactive substances for maintaining a radioactive substances store

IA12: Use radiation apparatus for calibration and quality assurance purposes

Note: This condition is only intended and suitable for QA personnel and service engineers (who are not servicing or installing radiation equipment) or the like. Only those who do not hold or are not eligible for another licence condition pertaining to the same apparatus will be granted the IA12 condition of licence.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of the following courses, applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:



Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

  • Radiation safety for personnel servicing x-ray equipment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety in industry - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Safe use of x-ray equipment
  • Safety in laboratories - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

Safe use of x-ray equipment in the laboratory (completed prior to 31/12/2017)


In-house training on radiation safety and the use of the nominated equipment that has been provided by the work place radiation safety officer (RSO) or an appropriately licensed person.

S12: Use radioactive substances for calibration and quality assurance purposes

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of the following courses, applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Australian National University

Radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe use of industrial gauges
  • Safety aspects of using ionising radiation - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safety in laboratories - 3 days (completed prior to 30/6/2019)

Australian Radiation Services Pty Ltd

Radiation safety course on handling unsealed radioactive material (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Bartolo Management Services

  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed and unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety  in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources & X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018) 
  • The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
  • The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes   

Children's Medical Research Institute

  • In-house radiation safety training (completed prior to 31/7/2017)
  • In-house training on radiation protection from ionising radiation (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (course completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (course completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Garvan Institute

In-house training on safe handling of various unsealed radioactive substances (course completed prior to 31/12/2017)

John Hunter Hospital

In-house training in the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (course completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Liverpool Hospital

In-house training in the use of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Macquarie University

  • Radiation safety training (course completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Supervised training in the use of radioisotopes (course completed prior to 31/12/2017)

National On-site Training and TLC First Aid Educators

Radiation safety for laboratory workers (course completed prior to 14/12/2018)

Prince of Wales Hospital

In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for laboratory staff (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of New England

  • In-house training on safe handling of various unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe handling of radioactive isotopes (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of radioisotopes - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of unsealed radioactive substances - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of New South Wales

Radiation protection training program - 1.5 days run by Risk Management Unit (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

 University of Newcastle
  • In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Training courses in radiation safety (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Sydney

  • In-house radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioisotopes (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety in laboratories (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Technology Sydney

In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S46: Use radioactive substances for maintaining a radioactive substances store

No specific qualifications have been determined. Applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

IA27: Use radiation apparatus (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) for bone mineral or body composition analysis

IA27S: Use radiation apparatus (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) for bone mineral or body composition analysis (under supervision)

IA27: Use radiation apparatus (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) for bone mineral or body composition analysis

Note: Nuclear medicine physicians, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine technologists (including Professional Development Year), and therapists (including Professional Development Year) who hold a current radiation licence are eligible for a Tier 1 licence and will only need to apply for a variation to their current licence. Radiologists and radiographers do not need to apply for a variation as their current licence covers this use.

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of prior qualifications in a bio-medical science degree or an equivalent based course e.g. medicine, nursing, dietetics, sports medicine.

2. Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:



Australian and New Zealand Bone Mineral Society

  • Clinical densitomerty course
  • Densitometry training course technologists syllabus: Certificate of completion in clinical bone densitometry - 4 weeks (completed prior to 6/6/2018)
Brian Richardson

Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) radiation safety course (completed prior to 13/12/2017)

Note: Applicants seeking this licence must also supply DEXA manufacturers certificate

Hologic (Australia) Pty Ltd

Hologic radiation awareness for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (dexa) operation

Inmed Healthcare Pty Ltd (formerly InMed Pty Ltd; Inderlec)

  • Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) radiation safety course and DEXA manufacturers certificate (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety course and manufacturers training certificate for DEXA and pQCT

International Osteoporosis Foundation(formerly International Society of Clinical Densitometry and University of Western Australia)


  • Osteoporosis: Essentials of densitometry, diagnosis and management - An international course of IOF and ISCD
  • Bone densitometry course and certification examination: Clinical track (completed prior to 15/4/2019)
  • Bone densitometry course and certification examination: Technologist track (completed prior to 15/4/2019)

Liverpool Hospital

In-house training in the use of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) - (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Medical and Scientific Services Pty Ltd

  • Bone densitometry operators course
  • Radiation protection for operators of bone densitometry units (course completed prior to 26/2/2019)
RADSMART (Gordon McKenzie)

X-ray safety for operators of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry equipment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Note: Applicants seeking this licence must also supply Hologic (manufacturer) certificate

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (WA)

Radiation protection for operators of bone densitometry units (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (WA) and University of Western Australia

Clinical bone densitometry (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

St Vincent's and Bankstown Hospitals

Bone mineral densitometry training (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

St Vincent's Hospital Bone mineral densitometry (measurement and interpretation) - Certificate of Completion in Clinical Bone Densitometry (completed prior to 31/12/2017) 

IA27S: Use radiation apparatus (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) for bone mineral or body composition analysis (under supervision)

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the courses listed in IA27 prerequisite 2. applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out.

IA21: Use radiation apparatus for chiropractic radiography

IA21: Use radiation apparatus for chiropractic radiography

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration as a chiropractor from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

2. Must provide evidence of attainment of one of the following Australian qualifications:

  • Diploma in chiropractic (DipChiro)
  • Graduate diploma in chiropractic (GDipChiro)
  • Bachelor of applied science (Chiropractic) (BAppSc(Chiro))
  • Master of chiropractic (MChiro)

One of the following overseas qualifications:

  • Doctor of Chiropractic (Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Ontario, Canada)
  • Doctor of Chiropractic (Life Chiropractic College, Marietta, Georgia, USA)
  • Doctor of Chiropractic (Life Chiropractic College, St Lorenzo, California, USA)
  • Doctor of Chiropractic (Parker College of Chiropractic, Texas, USA)


Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) accredited course for the training of chiropractors.

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dentists

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dental assistants/nurses

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dental hygienists

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dental therapists

IA24: Use cone beam computed tomography for dental radiography - Dentists//Dental hygienists/Dental therapists/Dental assistants/nurses

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dentists

Note: Dentists need a licence if using orthopantomograms (OPGs) for general dental radiography

Must provide evidence of current registration as a dentist from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dental assistants/nurses

Note: Dental assistants/nurses who provide evidence of completing Certificate IV in dental assisting are eligible to use radiation apparatus (extra oral X-ray apparatus used with intra oral image receptors), orthopantomograms (OPGs) and or lateral cephalometric radiography radiation apparatus for general dental radiography. 

Dental assistants/nurses who have completed Certificate IV in dental assisting may also be eligible for the IA24 radiation licence to use cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) if all pre-requisites are met.

Must provide evidence of attainment of one of the following:

Institution Courses
Dental Assistants Professional Association (DAPA)
  • HLT45021 Certificate IV in dental assisting

Must also provide evidence of completion of the following subjects:

  • HLTDEN021 Apply the principles of radiation biology and protection in dental practice
  • HLTDEN022 Prepare to expose a prescribed dental radiographic image
  • HLTDEN023 Produce a dental radiographic image.
  • Certificate IV in dental assisting - dental radiography (completed prior to 24/3/2011)
Integrated Care & Management Training 

Certificate IV in dental assisting HLT43007, HLT3012 (Completed prior to December 2016)

NSW Department of Technical and Further Education
  • Certificate IV in dental assisting

Must also provide evidence of completion of the following subjects:

  •  HLTDEN021 Apply the principles of radiation biology and protection in dental practice
  • HLTDEN022 Prepare to expose a prescribed dental radiographic image
  • HLTDEN023 Produce a dental radiographic image.
  • Certificate IV in dental assisting - dental radiography (completed prior to 24/3/2011)
Dental Assistant Training Solutions (formerly Pacific Smiles Staffing Solutions Pty Ltd)

Certificate IV in dental assisting - HLT43007, HLT43012 (completed prior to 27/10/2016)

Foundation Education Pty Ltd  HLT45021 Certificate IV in dental assisting (Course completed from 25/11/2024).

Must also provide evidence of completion of the following subjects:

  • HLTDEN021 Apply the principles of radiation biology and protection in dental practice
  • HLTDEN022 Prepare to expose a prescribed dental radiographic image
  • HLTDEN023 Produce a dental radiographic image.

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dental hygienists

Note: Dental hygienists need a licence if using orthopantomograms (OPGs) for general dental radiography.

Must provide evidence of current registration as a dental hygienist from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

IA20: Use radiation apparatus for general dental radiography - Dental therapists

Note: Dental therapists need a licence if using orthopantomograms (OPGs) for general dental radiography.

Must provide evidence of current registration as a dental therapist from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

IA24: Use cone beam computed tomography for dental radiography - Dentists/Dental hygienists/Dental therapists/Dental assistants/nurses

Note: Dentists, dental hygienists, dental therapists and dental assistants/nurses need a licence if using dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) for general dental radiography.

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration (dentist, dental therapist or dental hygienist) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) or successful completion of Certificate IV dental assisting.

2. Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following:

  • Manufacturer's or supplier's cone beam CT applications training course
  • In-house cone beam CT applications training provided by an appropriately licenced person
  • Radiation safety and radiological technique training - cone beam volumetric tomography provided by Gammasonics Radiological Services Pty Ltd  and I-CAT initial onsite training for cone beam dental digital tomography - Body Logic Resources (provided by Gammasonics Radiological Services Pty Ltd) (completed prior to 31/8/2016)
  • Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) course - OMR Partners Pty Ltd
  • Cone Beam CT radiation user licence course and examination (DEN 4 CBCT licence course) - Teledent Dental Imaging Diagnostics
  • Cone Beam CT online licensing course - Dr Amar Sholapurkar
  • Cone beam computed tomography pre-licensing course - Professor Paul Monsour, Ristom Pty Ltd

IA9: Use radiation apparatus for educational purposes

S9: Use radioactive substances for educational purposes

IA9: Use radiation apparatus for educational purposes

Note: This condition is only available to applicants who need to use radiation apparatus for educational and demonstration purposes and who are unable to meet the criteria for any other licence.

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Bartolo Safety Management Services

  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources and X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Safe use of XRD equipment in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
  • The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
National On Site Training Use radiation apparatus for educational, scientific or research purposes

S9: Use radioactive substances for educational purposes

Note: This condition is only available to applicants who need to use radioactive substances for educational and demonstration purposes and who are unable to meet the criteria for any other licence.

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of the one of the following courses applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Bartolo Safety Management Services

  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed and unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources and X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory
  • The safe use of sealed sources for laboratory purposes
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
  • The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes
National On Site Training Use radioactive substances for educational, scientific or research purposes

IA6: Use radiation apparatus for industrial radiography

S6: Use sealed source devices for industrial radiography

IA7: Use radiation apparatus for industrial gauging

S7: Use radioactive substances for industrial gauging

IA19: Use portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) radiation apparatus for analysis

S19: Use radioactive substances in a portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyser

IA25: Use radiation apparatus for industrial fluoroscopy

S30: Use sealed source devices for density/moisture determination

S35: Use sealed source devices for borehole logging

S47: Use radioactive substances when packaging radioactive substances for transport

IA6: Use radiation apparatus for industrial radiography

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses
Advanced Technology Testing and Research (ATTAR)
  • Radiation safety national module EA612 gamma and X-ray
  • Radiation safety, industrial NDT sector gamma and x-ray, national module (completed prior to 14/12/2018)
Aeronautical Inspection Services Radiation safety training for NSW EPA IA6 radiation user licence

Australian Institute for Non-destructive Testing (AINDT)

Recognition as a qualified technician in the field of radiography (completed prior to 22/11/2019)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Radiation safety for x-ray cabinet operators (completed prior to 14/12/2018) 
British Institute of Non-destructive Testing (BINDT) PCN Record of Certification (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Bureau Veritas AIRS Pty Ltd (formerly CCI Pope; CW Pope)

  • Industrial radiography safety course (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety for industrial radiographers
Laboratories for Materials Advanced Testing Services (LMATS) Radiation safety training for industrial radiography
Portable Scientific Pty Ltd
SciAps handheld XRF radiation safety and user training
Protecs Global Pty Ltd Radiography and Radiation Safety Training to National Module EA612

Royal Australian Air Force

No. 21 NDI technician course - 16 weeks (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

SA Radiation Pty Ltd 

Radiation safety - industrial radiography (completed prior to 14/12/2018)

Safe Radiation Pty Ltd
  • Radiation safety in industrial radiography
  • Radiation safety industrial radiography (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Radiation Safety Services) Industrial radiography (completed prior to 7/3/2019)


  • NDT post certificate industrial radiation safety (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiography and radiation safety - Advanced Certificate in Non-destructive Testing (completed prior to 231/12/2017)
  • Radiography and radiation safety part of 1144A industrial radiography (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Work safely with ionizing radiation MEM13013B (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S6: Use sealed source devices for industrial radiography

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:



Advanced Technology Testing and Research (ATTAR)
  • Radiation safety national module EA612 gamma and X-ray
  • Radiation safety, industrial NDT sector gamma and x-ray, national module (completed prior to 14/12/2018)

Australian Institute for Non-destructive Testing

Recognition as a qualified technician in the field of radiography (completed prior to 22/11/2019)

British Institute of Non-destructive Testing (BINDT) PCN Record of Certification (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Bureau Veritas AIRS Pty Ltd (formerly CCI Pope; CW Pope)
  • Industrial radiography safety course (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety for industrial radiographers 
Laboratories for Materials Advanced Testing Services (LMATS) Radiation safety training for industrial radiography
Protecs Global Pty Ltd Radiography and Radiation Safety Training to National Module EA612
SA Radiation Pty Ltd Radiation safety - industrial radiography (course completed prior to 14/12/2018)
Safe Radiation Pty Ltd  
  • Radiation safety in industrial radiography
  • Radiation safety industrial radiography (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Radiation Safety Services) Industrial radiography (completed prior to 7/3/2019)


  • Radiography and radiation safety - Advanced Certificate in Non-destructive Testing (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiography and radiation safety part of 1144A Industrial radiography (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Work safely with ionizing radiation MEM13013B (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

IA7: Use radiation apparatus for industrial gauging

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses which is applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Industrial radiation safety officer SIRSO - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of x-ray equipment
BHP Steel (BHP & NSW Health) Radiation protection course industrial applications - 2 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation gauge safety - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauge training - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Radiation Engineering Measurement Services Pty Ltd

Industrial radiation safety, its basics, use and your responsibilities (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Radiation Safety Services (WA)

Static gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S7: Use radioactive substances for industrial gauging

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses which is applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Safe use of industrial gauges
  • Industrial radiation safety officer SIRSO - 3 days (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of fixed radiation gauges SIG (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of industrial gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of industrial radiation gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safety aspects of using ionising radiation- 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
National On Site Training  Use radioactive substances for industrial gauging

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation gauge safety - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauge - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Radiation Consulting Australia  Radiation safety training: Safe handling of fixed radiation gauges

Radiation Engineering Measurement Services Pty Ltd

Industrial radiation safety, its basics, use and your responsibilities (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RXNS Pty Ltd (formerly R & X Nuclear Services)

Industrial radiation safety course (industrial gauges)

SA Radiation Pty Ltd

Radiation safety for fixed gauges (sources and x-ray)

SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Radiation Safety Services) Static gauges (completed prior to 13/12/2017)

IA19: Use portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) radiation apparatus for analysis

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following course:

Institutions Courses
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Safe use of x-ray equipment
AXT Pty Ltd X-ray radiation safety training and hand-held x-ray user training

Bartolo Safety Management Services

The safe use of portable x-ray equipment for scientific and analytical purposes

Environmental Science Solutions Training course for the safe use of portable and hand-held XRF devices
Evident Australia (formerly Olympus Australia Pty Ltd/ Innov-X Systems Australia Pty Ltd)
  • Field portable analytical radiation apparatus - radiation safety training course
  • Introductory course in operational radiation protection of field portable XRF analysers (completed prior to 9/11/2018)

JBS Technologies Pty Ltd

Radiation protection training program for NITON field portable XRF analyser x-ray tube version (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Laboratory Analysers Australia XRF analyzer operator training (3 hours) and XRF safety training - 45 minutes (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
National On Site Training Use radiation apparatus for analytical purposes (fixed or portable)
Portable Analytical Solutions Pty Ltd
  • Hand-held and field portable XRF radiation safety training course
  • Portable and hand-held XRF radiation safety and operator training course (course completed prior to 15/4/2019)
Portable Scientific Pty Ltd SciAps handheld XRF radiation safety and user training  
Portable XRF Service Pty Ltd Radiation theory and training in the use of portable XRFs
Radiation Consulting Australia Radiation safety training: Handheld (portable) XRF devices
RADSMART (Gordon MacKenzie)
Radiation safety with portable x-ray tube XRF devices (completed prior to 21/8/2024)
SA Radiation Pty Ltd
  • Enclosed XRF & XRD analysers and handheld XRF analysers
  • Radiation safety handheld XRF devices (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
Sietronics Pty Ltd Radiation and safety with handheld XRF (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Thermo Optek (Australia) Pty Ltd Radiation safety course HH & FP XRF (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S19: Use sealed source devices (portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysers)

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses:

Institutions Courses

JBS Environmental Services and Technologies Pty Ltd

Radiation safety and instrument training in the use of Niton field portable XRF spectrum analysers (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Leadtec Services and New Jersey Department of Health

Niton XL 309 instrument - 6-days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)


In-house course for Niton XL model 309 spectrum analyser - 2 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Portable Analytical Solutions Pty Ltd
  • Portable and hand-held XRF radiation safety and operator training course (course completed prior to 28/8/2018)
  • Radiation safety course Niton XLp


Safe use of portable XRF devices (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Thermo Optek (Australia) Pty Ltd Radiation safety course HH & FP XRF (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

IA25: Use radiation apparatus for industrial fluoroscopy

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses which is applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:



Radiation Engineering Measurement Services Pty Ltd

Industrial radiation safety, its basics, use and your responsibilities (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Royal Australian Air Force

No. 21 NDI technician course - 16 weeks (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S30: Use sealed source devices for density/moisture determination

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses/examination applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Radiation safety in the use of industrial density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Protection from ionising radiation (Radioisotope course no. 36) - 20 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of industrial gauges
  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of portable moisture/density gauges SNG (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of soil moisture gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)

Coffey Partners/Coffey Geosciences

Radiation safety course for soil nuclear/density gauges

EPA Assessment

Radiation safety course for soil nuclear/density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

F Robotham Radiation safety in the use of soil density and moisture gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Hunter Geotechnical Services (formerly Hunter Civilab) Radiation Safety Users Course S30 licence 

McKavanagh Engineering Services

  • Industrial radiation safety for soil moisture and density gauge users (course complete prior to 15/4/2019)
  • Industrial radiation safety portable soil density and moisture gauges - Level 2 USER (course completed prior to 30/6/2022)
  • Industrial radiation safety level 2 for soil density and moisture gauge users (course completed prior to 15/4/2019)
National On Site Training Use radioactive substances for density moisture measurements
ORP Consultancy Pty Ltd
  • Safe use of portable density/moisture gauges containing radioactive sources (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe  use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauge training - 1 day - provided by Gordon Mackenzie, Radsmart (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Radiation Engineering Measurement Services Pty Ltd

Industrial safety - Its basics, use and your responsibilities (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RadSafety Solutions

  • Radiation safety in the use of portable moisture density gauges
  • Safe use of portable moisture density gauges (completed prior to 6/6/2018)
RadTest Australia
  • Radiation safety with portable moisture and density gauges using radioactive sources (completed prior to 6/6/2018)
  • Safe use of portable density/moisture gauges containing radioactive sources


  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauge training - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of portable density/moisture gauges containing radioactive sources run by ORP Consultancy Pty Ltd (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Reeves Wireline Services (formerly BPB Instruments Australia)

In-house radiation safety course NTD (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Roads and Traffic Authority Skills Development Centre

Portable gauges course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RXNS P/Ltd Industrial radiation safety course (S30 licence) operation of moisture density gauges
SA Radiation Pty Ltd
  • Portable moisture/density gauges radiation safety training course
  • Radiation safety - portable moisture/density gauges (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Radiation Safety Services) Portable gauges devices (completed prior to 7/3/2019)

South Australian Health Commission Radiation Protection Branch

Examination to use nuclear moisture and density gauges (completed prior to 3/12/2017)

University of New England (F Robotham) Safe usage of neutron soil-moisture gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
University of Queensland Gatton College Safe use of soil moisture and density gauges - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Victorian Health Department Radiation Safety Unit

Radiation protection in the use of nuclear density moisture gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S35: Use sealed source devices for borehole logging

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses which is applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Radiation safety in the use of industrial density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Radiation safety borehole logging (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety in the use of industrial density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of industrial gauges
  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of portable moisture/density gauges SNG (completed prior to 28/8/2019)

Coffey Partners/Coffey Geosciences

Radiation safety course for soil nuclear/density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

EPA Assessment

Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Groundsearch Australia Pty Limited
  • Radiation safety for borehole logging operators
  • Radiation safety in borehole logging operations -provided by RADSMART (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
National On Site Training Use sealed source devices for borehole

Precision Energy Services (Australia) Pty Limited

(Formerly Reeves Wireline Services and BPB Instruments Australia)

  • In-house radiation safety course NDT (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation protection well-logging (completed prior to 31/12/2017)                        

Queensland University of Technology

Radiation protection course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

Radiation safety in borehole logging operations (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

SA Radiation Pty Ltd
  • Borehole logging (sources) radiation safety training
  • Radiation safety - borehole logging (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Radiation Safety Services) Borehole logging (completed prior to 7/3/2019)

Victorian Health Department Radiation Safety Unit

Radiation protection in the use of nuclear density moisture gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S47: Use radioactive substances when packaging radioactive substances for transport

No specific qualifications have been determined. Applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

IA10: Use radiation apparatus for installing and/or servicing radiation apparatus

S10: Use radioactive substances for installing and/or servicing devices containing a radioactive substance

IA10: Use radiation apparatus for installing and/or servicing radiation apparatus

Must meet three pre-requisites:

1. Must demonstrate an appropriate level of competency in the principles and practices of radiation protection which are relevant to the particular item(s) that are to be serviced or installed or successful completion of one of the following courses which is applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

  • Radiation safety for personnel servicing x-ray equipment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety in industry - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Safety in laboratories (completed prior to 13/12/2017)
  • Safe use of fixed radiation gauges SIG (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of industrial gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of x-ray equipment

BHP Steel and NSW Health

Industrial applications - 2 and 5 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

CW Pope and NSW Health

Industrial radiation safety - industrial gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

GE Healthcare PETtrace Service Training Certificate of Achievement - Cyclotron safety for technical service (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
National On site Training Installation, repair, maintenance and calibration of radiation apparatus and substances

Radiation Engineering Measurement Services Pty Ltd

Industrial radiation safety - Its basics, use and your responsibilities (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie) Radiation safety in the installation and servicing of x-ray equipment - 2 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017

RadTest Australia (formerly provided by Gordon Mackenzie, RADSMART)

Radiation safety in the installation and servicing of x-ray equipment (2 days)

RXNS Pty Ltd (Formerly R & X Nuclear Safety Services Pty Ltd)

Industrial radiation safety course

SA Radiation Pty Ltd Installation of cabinet x-ray

Scott Automation and Robotics

Radiation safety and cabinet x-ray machines (completed prior to 9/8/2021)

SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Australian Radiation Services Pty Ltd)
  • Analysis x-ray course - use and restricted services (completed prior to 7/3/2019)
  • General radiation awareness and cabinet x-ray (completed prior to 7/3/2019)
  • Medical/cabinet X-ray systems (RT001/RA004/RA007) - completed prior to 31/12/2017
  • Radiation safety for installation and servicing of x-ray apparatus

2. Must demonstrate an appropriate level of competency in the electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering principles of design and operation of the item(s), e.g. TAFE trade certificate or equivalent.

3. Must demonstrate an appropriate level of competency in the skills needed to install, test and service the particular item(s) so that it operates in accordance with any relevant regulatory guidelines or standards, e.g. specialised employer/manufacturer training course.

Applicants must submit documentary evidence to support their application for items 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Primarily the type of equipment that the applicant requires to service or install will determine the level of competence they require for each of the above criteria.

S10: Use radioactive substances for installing and/or servicing devices containing a radioactive substance

In addition to fulfilling the following requirements, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must meet three pre-requisites:

1. Must demonstrate an appropriate level of competency in the principles and practices of radiation protection which are relevant to the particular item(s) that are to be serviced or installed, or successful completion of one of the following courses, which is applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Radiation safety in industry - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Industrial radiation safety (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Industrial radiation safety officer training SIRSO -3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Protection from ionising radiation (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers
  • Safe use of fixed radiation gauges SIG (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of industrial gauges
  • Safe use of industrial radiation gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of portable density/moisture gauges SNG (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safety aspects of using ionising radiation - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safety in laboratories with ionising radiation (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Barringer Research

Ionscan 400 and maintenance of sealed sources - 2 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

BHP Steel and NSW Health

Radiation protection 'Industrial applications' 2 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Central Queensland University

Industrial radiation safety - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Coffey Partners/Coffey Geosciences

Radiation safety course for soil nuclear/density gauges (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

GE Healthcare PETtrace Service Training Certificate of Achievement - Cyclotron safety for technical service (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

JL Shepherd Training-Servicing

Nordian 220 irradiators and Shepherd 109 and 143 blood irradiators (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

National On Site Training Installation, repair, maintenance and calibration of radiation apparatus and substances

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days(completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for brachytherapy unit service technicians - 2 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RXNS (formerly R & X Nuclear Services Pty Ltd)

Industrial radiation safety course

Reeves Wireline Services (formerly BPB Instruments Australia)

In-house radiation safety course NTD (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

SA Radiation Pty Ltd Radiation safety (fixed gauges) training course (completed prior to 12/2/2018)

Sentinel TM

Service of industrial radiography cameras (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Australian Radiation Services Pty Ltd) General radiation awareness and radiation devices 1 day (completed prior to 7/3/3019)

University of Queensland Gatton College

Safe use of soil moisture and density gauges - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Wollongong, Gammasonics Institute for Research and Calibration

Industrial radiation safety (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

2. Must demonstrate an appropriate level of competency in the electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering principles of design and operation of the item(s), e.g. TAFE trade certificate or equivalent.

3. Must demonstrate an appropriate level of competency in the skills needed to install, test and service the particular item(s) so that it operates in accordance with any relevant regulatory guidelines or standards, e.g. specialised employer/manufacturer training courses.

Applicants must submit documentary evidence to support their application for items 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Primarily the type of equipment that the applicant requires to service or install will determine the level of competence they require for each of the above criteria.

Analysis x-ray course (use and restricted service)

Analysis x-ray course (use and restricted service)

S41: Use radioactive substances for in-vitro medical diagnosis - Medical practitioners

S41: Use radioactive substances for in-vitro medical diagnosis - Medical practitioners

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration as a medical practitioner from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

2. Must provide evidence of completion of one of the following courses applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Radiation safety in biological research laboratories (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers SLW (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Radionuclides in medicine (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe handling and use of unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safety in laboratories 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

John Hunter Hospital

In-house training in the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Radiation safety training for medical laboratory scientists (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

S4: Use radioactive substances for medical scintigraphy and medical therapy - Nuclear medicine physicians

S14: Use radioactive substances for nuclear medicine technology - Nuclear medicine technologists

IA15: Use computed tomography radiation apparatus for coronary angiography - Nuclear medicine physicians

IA16: Use computed tomography radiation apparatus for nuclear medicine technology - Nuclear medicine technologists

IA16D: Use computed tomography radiation apparatus for diagnostic radiography and nuclear medicine technology - Nuclear medicine technologists

S4: Use radioactive substances for medical scintigraphy and medical therapy - Nuclear medicine physicians

Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in nuclear medicine from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

S14: Use radioactive substances for nuclear medicine technology - Nuclear medicine technologists

Must provide evidence of current registration as a medical radiation practitioner (nuclear medicine technology) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Nuclear medicine technologists undergoing a supervised practice program must provide evidence of current provisional registration as a medical radiation practitioner (nuclear medicine technology) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

IA15: Use computed tomography radiation apparatus for coronary angiography - Nuclear medicine physicians

Must provide two pre-requisites:

  • Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in nuclear medicine from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
  • Must provide evidence of accreditation by the Conjoint Committee for the recognition of training in computed tomography coronary angiography. Note: The Conjoint Committee consists of representatives from: The Australian and New Zealand Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine (ANZAPNM); The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ); and The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR).

IA16: Use computed tomography radiation apparatus for nuclear medicine technology - Nuclear medicine technologists

Note: This condition of licence is only for applicants who hold an S14 licence to use radioactive substances for nuclear medicine technology (nuclear medicine technologists).

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses:

Institutions Courses

Charles Sturt University

  • Computed tomography for nuclear medicine - NMT415 (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Bachelor of medical radiation science (nuclear medicine) - only for graduates completing Bachelor from 2009 (Bachelor includes subject MRS380 tomographic principles for nuclear medicine) and completed prior to 31/12/2017)

NSW Hospital and University Radiation Safety Officers Group

(the course is conducted at various Area Health Service Hospitals)

NSW Hospital and University Radiation Safety Officers Group computed tomography safety course for nuclear medicine technologists (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Queensland University

Radiation safety course: oncological CT Course (2007)

University of Newcastle

Bachelor of medical radiation science (nuclear medicine) Note: only for graduates completing Bachelor from December 2009

University of Sydney

University of Sydney and ANSTO

  • Computed tomography for nuclear medicine technology unit of study - 18587X (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Computed tomography for nuclear medicine technology unit of study (MRTY3116) - Note: this is a compulsory unit of study for nuclear medicine technologists studying for a Bachelor of applied science (medical radiation sciences) nuclear medicine (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Master of nuclear medicine - includes online course CT with SPECT and PET components (complete prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Computed tomography with SPECT and PET - online course with assessment and attended a workshop (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

IA16D: Use computed tomography radiation apparatus for diagnostic radiography and nuclear medicine technology - nuclear medicine technologists

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration as a medical radiation practitioner (nuclear medicine technology) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

2. Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following:

Institutions Courses

Charles Sturt University

  • Bachelor of medical radiation science (nuclear medicine) - for graduates completed this degree from (completed from December 2014 to 31/12/2017)
  • Bachelor of medical radiation science (honours)  nuclear medicine - 4 year degree that includes 3 weeks clinical training period in diagnostic CT imaging (completed prior to 31/12/2023)
  • Bachelor of medical radiation science (nuclear medicine and molecular imaging) - 4 year degree that includes 3 weeks clinical training period in diagnostic CT imaging.

Rural Alliance in Nuclear Scintigraphy (RAINS)

  • Diagnostic CT for the nuclear medicine technologist
  • Diagnostic CT certification (completed prior to 6/6/2018)
University of Newcastle Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Nuclear Medicine) - 4 year degree commenced 2016

Victorian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist

  • Diagnostic CT in molecular imaging course (completed prior to 6/6/2018)
  • Diagnostic CT in molecular imaging program (completed prior to 31/8/2023)

IA17: Use radiation apparatus for nuclear medicine and radiology physics purposes

IA17S: Use radiation apparatus for nuclear medicine and radiology physics purposes (under supervision)

S17: Use radioactive substances for nuclear medicine or therapy physics purposes

S17S: Use radioactive substances for nuclear medicine or therapy physics purposes (under supervision)

IA29: Use radiation apparatus for radiation oncology physics - Radiation oncology physicists

IA29S: Use radiation apparatus for radiation oncology physics (under supervision) - Radiation oncology physicists

S29: Use radioactive substances for radiation oncology physics - Radiation oncology physicists

S29S: Use radioactive substances for radiation oncology physics (under supervision) - Radiation oncology physicists

IA47: Use radiation apparatus for the production of radionuclides

S28: Use radioactive substances that may be produced in a cyclotron for medical and scientific purposes

IA17: Use radiation apparatus for nuclear medicine and radiology physics purposes

Note: Where an applicant does not meet the below criteria the applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Must provide evidence of one of the following:

  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) certification in Nuclear Medicine Physics
  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) registration as a Qualified Medical Physics Specialist in Nuclear Medicine
  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) certification in Radiology
  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) registration as a Qualified Medical Physics Specialist in Radiology

IA17S: Use radiation apparatus for nuclear medicine and radiology physics purposes (under supervision)

Must provide evidence of one of the following:

  • Enrolment in the ACPSEM TEAP (Training Education and Assessment Program) for Diagnostic Imaging Medical Physics
  • Successful completion of one of the following courses that is applicable to the work proposed to be carried out:
Institutions Courses
Queensland University of Technology Master of Applied Science (medical physics)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Master of Applied Science (medical and health physics)
University of Adelaide Master of Science (medical physics)
University of Canterbury (New Zealand) Master of Science (clinical medical physics)
University of Sydney Master of Medical Physics
University of Western Australia Master of Science (medical physics)
University of Wollongong Master of Science (medical radiation physics)

S17: Use radioactive substances for nuclear medicine or therapy physics purposes

Note: Where an applicant does not meet the below criteria then applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Must provide evidence of one of the following:

  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) certification in Nuclear Medicine Physics
  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) registration as a Qualified Medical Physics Specialist in Nuclear Medicine

S17S: Use radioactive substances for nuclear medicine or therapy physics purposes (under supervision)

Must provide evidence of one of the following:

  • Enrolment in the ACPSEM TEAP (Training Education and Assessment Program) for Diagnostic Imaging Medical Physics
  • Successful completion of one of the following courses that is applicable to the work proposed to be carried out:
Institutions Courses
Queensland University of Technology Master of Applied Science (medical physics)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Master of Applied Science (medical and health physics)
University of Adelaide Master of Science (medical physics)
University of Canterbury (New Zealand) Master of Science (clinical medical physics)
University of Sydney Master of Medical Physics
University of Western Australia Master of Science (medical physics)
University of Wollongong Master of Science (medical radiation physics)

IA29: Use radiation apparatus for radiation oncology physics – Radiation oncology physicists

Must provide evidence of one of the following:

  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation in Radiotherapy equipment commissioning and quality assurance
  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) certification in Medical physics (radiation oncology).

IA29S: Use radiation apparatus for radiation oncology physics (under supervision) – Radiation oncology physicists

Must meet one of the following pre-requisites:

1. Hold a degree in:

medical/health physics, or

physics and evidence of medical/health physics training or radiation safety training such as:

  • ACPSEM Training, education and accreditation program
  • Westmead Hospital cadetship in medical physics.


2. Provide evidence of enrolment in a postgraduate course in medical/health physics.


3. Where an applicant has an overseas qualification the applicant must provide:

  • certified copies of qualifications
  • verification that the last employer was contacted and a verbal reference given
  • verification by National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) or other acceptable assessment process to show that the qualifications are equivalent to Australian qualifications).

S29: Use radioactive substances for radiation oncology physics – Radiation oncology physicists

Must provide evidence of one of the following:

  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) accreditation in Radiotherapy equipment commissioning and quality assurance
  • Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) certification in Medical physics (radiation oncology).

S29S: Use radioactive substances for radiation oncology physics (under supervision) – Radiation oncology physicists

Must meet one of the following pre-requisites:

1. Hold a degree in:

medical/health physics, or

physics and evidence of medical/health physics training or radiation safety training such as:

  • ACPSEM Training, education and accreditation program
  • Westmead Hospital cadetship in medical physics.


2. Provide evidence of enrolment in a postgraduate course in medical/health physics.


3. Where an applicant has an overseas qualification the applicant must provide:

  • certified copies of qualifications
  • verification that the last employer was contacted and a verbal reference given
  • verification by National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) or other acceptable assessment process to show that the qualifications are equivalent to Australian qualifications.

IA47: Use radiation apparatus for the production of radionuclides

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses:

Institutions Courses
Cyclotek NSW Pty Ltd Cyclotek NSW cyclotron user training course

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

GEMS PETtrace cyclotron applications training

GE Healthcare

GEMS PETtrace cyclotron applications training

S28: Use radioactive substances that may be produced in a cyclotron for medical and scientific purposes

No specific qualifications have been determined. Applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

IA4: Use radiation apparatus for diagnostic radiology - Radiologists

S4S: Injection of radioactive substances for medical scintigraphy and medical therapy - Radiologists (under supervision)

IA14: Use radiation apparatus for medical diagnostic radiography

IA14M: Use mammography radiation apparatus for medical diagnostic breast imaging

IA14R: Use radiation apparatus for medical diagnostic radiography (restricted) - General medical practitioners or registered nurses

IA22: Use radiation apparatus for medical fluoroscopy - Specialists other than radiologists

IA4: Use radiation apparatus for diagnostic radiology - Radiologists

Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in diagnostic radiology from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

S4S: Injection of radioactive substances for medical scintigraphy and medical therapy - Radiologists (under supervision)

If you hold the nuclear medicine physician's licence (S4: Use radioactive substances for medical scintigraphy and medical therapy) you do not need to apply for this licence.

Must meet three prerequisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in diagnostic radiology from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

2. Must hold or be eligible for the licence (IA4: Use radiation apparatus for diagnostic radiology) issued by the NSW EPA.

3. Must provide a letter confirming that this licence is required as part of their role as radiologist.

IA14: Use radiation apparatus for medical diagnostic radiography

Must provide evidence of current registration as a medical radiation practitioner (diagnostic radiography) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Medical radiation practitioners (diagnostic radiography) undergoing a supervised practice program must provide evidence of current provisional registration as a medical radiation practitioner (diagnostic radiography) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

IA14M: Use mammography radiation apparatus for medical diagnostic breast imaging

Must provide evidence of completion of Charles Sturt University Graduate Diploma in Mammography.

IA14R: Use radiation apparatus for medical diagnostic radiography (restricted) - General medical practitioners, physiotherapists or registered nurses

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration as a medical practitioner, physiotherapist or registered nurse from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

2. Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses:

Institutions Courses

Dubbo Base Hospital

Remote operators licensing course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Health Education and Training Institute  NSW Limited licence radiography course
South Australian EPA Radiation Protection Division Basic radiography for nurses and medical practitioners - extended (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health

  • The NSW limited licence radiography course (completed prior to 30/6/2021)
  • NSW remote x-ray operators licensing course (completed prior to 6/6/2018)

IA22: Use radiation apparatus for medical fluoroscopy - Specialists other than radiologists

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

2. Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses:

Institutions Courses
Australian Orthopaedic Association  Radiation safety for Orthopaedic Surgeons (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Hunter New England Area Health Service

  • Fluoroscopy radiation safety training course
  • Theory and practical course in fluoroscopy and radiation safety (completed prior to 9/11/2018)

Liverpool Hospital

Fluoroscopy radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

  • Radiation safety for use of medical fluoroscopy equipment (completed prior to 21/8/2024)
  • X-ray image intensifier course; X-ray safety for mini-C arm image intensifier (completed prior to 8/11/2018)

Royal North Shore Hospital

Radiation protection course in x-ray fluoroscopy for medical specialists (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

SA Radiation Pty Ltd Radiation safety - fluoroscopic X-ray units used for imaging
St Erme Pty Ltd Fluoroscopy radiation safety training (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
The Canberra Hospital Radiation safety course for medical practitioners involved in fluoroscopy

Western Sydney Local Health District (Westmead Hospital)

  • Fluoroscopy radiation safety training course
  • Fluoroscopy radiation safety training courses (completed prior to 28/8/2018)
X-Ray Safety Services The safe use of fluoroscopy equipment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

IA3: Use radiation apparatus for radiation oncology - Radiation oncologists

S3: Use radioactive substances for radiation oncology - Radiation oncologists

IA13: Use radiation apparatus for radiation therapy - Radiation therapists

S13: Use sealed source devices for radiation therapy - Radiation therapists

IA11: Use radiation apparatus for dermatology

S32: Use radioactive substances for ophthalmology

IA3: Use radiation apparatus for radiation oncology - Radiation oncologists

Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in radiation oncology from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

S3: Use radioactive substances for radiation oncology - Radiation oncologists

Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in radiation oncology from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

IA13: Use radiation apparatus for radiation therapy - Radiation therapists

Must provide evidence of current registration as a medical radiation practitioner (radiation therapy) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Medical radiation practitioners (radiation therapy) undergoing a supervised practice program must provide evidence of current provisional registration as a medical radiation practitioner (radiation therapy) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

S13: Use radioactive substances for radiation therapy - Radiation therapists

Must provide evidence of current registration as a medical radiation practitioner (radiation therapy) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Medical radiation practitioners (radiation therapy) undergoing a supervised practice program must provide evidence of current provisional registration as a medical radiation practitioner (radiation therapy) from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

IA11: Use radiation apparatus for dermatology

In addition to fulfilling the following requirements, applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in dermatology from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

2. Must provide evidence of successful completion of the University of Sydney web-based course 'Introduction to radiation biology and protection'.

S32: Use radioactive substances for ophthalmology

Must meet two pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of current registration and recognition as a specialist in ophthalmology from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

2. Must provide evidence of successful completion of training in the use of ophthalmic applicators appropriate to the purpose for which the licence is sought to the satisfaction of the EPA.

OR provide evidence of successful completion of the following two courses that are applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses


Surgical Images Pty Ltd (Manufacturer)

Radiation safety for intraocular brachytherapy (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

and certificate of completion from manufacturer: Intraocular brachytherapy applications course

IA18: Use radiation apparatus while undertaking the duties of a Radiation safety officer

S18: Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties of a Radiation safety officer (restricted)

S18A: Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties of a Radiation safety officer (unrestricted)

IA18: Use radiation apparatus while undertaking the duties of a Radiation safety officer

Note: this condition is for Radiation Safety Officers who work in large organisations and are responsible for a range of apparatus and activities.
Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses that is applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Australian National University

Ionising radiation hazards (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Industrial radiation safety officer SIRSO - 3 days (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of x-ray devices SXD (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Australian Radiation Protection Accreditation Board (ARPAB)  Certification in ionising radiation safety within Australia and New Zealand 
Bartolo Safety Management Services
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2019)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources & X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2019)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2019)
  • Safe use of XRD equipment in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2019)
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
  • The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
 National On Site Training Use radiation apparatus while undertaking duties as a Radiation Safety Officer 

S18: Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties of a Radiation safety officer (restricted)

In addition to fulfilling the following requirements, all applications for this licence condition will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Note: This condition is for Radiation Safety Officers who work in smaller organisations such as factories and mines and is only available to applicants who need to use radioactive substances as a radiation safety officer and who are unable to meet the criteria for any other licence.

Institutions Certification/Course
National On Site Training

 Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties as a Radiation Safety Officer


S18A: Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties of a Radiation safety officer (unrestricted)

Note: This condition is for Radiation Safety Officers who work in large organisations such as universities and teaching hospitals and are responsible for a range of substances and activities.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of the following certification

Institutions Certification/Course

Australian Radiation Protection Accreditation Board (ARPAB)

Certification in ionising radiation safety within Australia and New Zealand

National On Site Training Use radioactive substances while undertaking duties as a Radiation Safety Officer

S36: Use radioactive substances for radiopharmacy

S36: Use radioactive substances for radiopharmacy

Must meet three pre-requisites:

1. Must provide evidence of successful completion of the following course applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Radiation safety for laboratory workers
Bartolo Management Services
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed and unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources and X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Safe use of unsealed sources in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
  • The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory
  • The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purpose
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (SLHD) Radiation safety for radiation chemists - sealed and unsealed sources

2. Must provide evidence of completing a science degree related to chemistry, pharmacy or biology.

3. Must provide confirmation of the successful completion of one of the following in-house training courses:

Institutions Courses  
Cyclopet In-house nuclear medicine radiation safety training
Cyclotek Cyclotek NSW Radiation competency assessment
Global Medical Solutions In-house dispensing training
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital In-house dispensing and radiation safety procedures in the PET and nuclear medicine hot labs
Prince of Wales Hospital Radiation safety education for radiopharmaceutical scientists working in nuclear medicine


IA8: Use radiation apparatus for scientific or research purposes

S8: Use radioactive substances for scientific or research purposes

S45: Use radioactive substances for tracer studies (excluding studies on humans)

IA8: Use radiation apparatus for scientific or research purposes

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses, applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

Radiation safety for x-ray equipment personnel (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian National University

Ionising radiation hazards (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Industrial radiation safety officer SIRSO - 3 days (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe use of industrial radiation gauges (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe use of x-ray devices SXD (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of x-ray equipment    
Bartolo Safety Management Services
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (complete prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources and X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Safe use of XRD equipment in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • The safe use of x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
Hunter New England Area Health Service
  • Fluoroscopy radiation safety training course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Theory and practical course in fluoroscopy and radiation safety (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Liverpool Hospital Fluoroscopy radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
National On Site Training Use radiation apparatus for educational scientific or research purposes

Prince of Wales Hospital

In-house training on the safe use of irradiating apparatus (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Queensland University of Technology Master of Applied Science (medical physics)

Radiation Engineering Measurement Services Pty Ltd

Industrial radiation safety - Its basics, use and your responsibilities (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of x-ray equipment in the laboratory environment (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Master of Applied Science (medical and health physics)

Royal North Shore Hospital

Radiation protection course in x-ray fluoroscopy for medical specialists (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

SGS Australia Pty Ltd Radiation safety for x-ray apparatus in science and research
University Adelaide Master of Science (medical physics)
University of Canterbury Master of Science (clinical medical physics)

University of NSW

Radiation protection training program - 2 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Sydney Master of Medical Physics
University of Western Australia Master of Science (medical physics)
University of Wollongong Master of Science (medical radiation physics)
Virtual Accident Pty Ltd
  • X-rays for licence conditions IA5/IA8
  • Ionising radiation research - IA5 and IA8 NSW (completed prior to 26/2/2019)
Westmead Hospital Fluoroscopy radiation safety training course (completed prior to 28/8/2018)

S8: Use radioactive substances for scientific or research purposes

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses, applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses

Asia Pacific Institute of Nuclear Sciences

  • Radiation safety in biological research laboratories (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety in research laboratories (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian National University

Radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  • Protection from ionising radiation - Radioisotope Course No. 36 - 20 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers SLW (completed prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe handling and use of unsealed radioactive sources - 1 day (completed prior to  prior to 30/6/2019)
  • Safe use of portable density/moisture gauges SNG (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauges (completed prior to 28/8/2019)
  • Safety aspects of using ionising radiation - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safety in laboratories - 3 days (completed prior to 30/6/2019)

Bartolo Safety Management Services

  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed and unsealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed radioactive sources (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory when using sealed, unsealed radioactive sources & X-ray analysis equipment (completed prior to 9/11/2019)
  • Safe use of unsealed sources and XRD equipment in the laboratory (completed 9/11/2018)
  • Safe use of XRD equipment in the laboratory (completed 9/11/2018)
  • The safe use of sealed and unsealed sources in the laboratory
  • The safe use of sealed sources for laboratory purposes
  • The safe use of sealed, unsealed sources and x-ray analysis equipment in the laboratory
  • The safe use of unsealed sources for laboratory purposes

Bioclone Australia

In-house radiation safety and procedures training 'Iodination' (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Children's Medical Research Institute

  • In-house radiation safety training (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house training on radiation protection from ionising radiation (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety in the laboratory (completed prior to 31/12/2017)


  • In-house radiation safety training (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house training on safe handling of various unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

EPA Assessment

Safe use of nuclear type soil moisture and density gauges (complete prior to 31/12/2017)

Garvan Institute

In-house training on safe handling of various unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Heart Research Institute

In-house training on safe handling of various unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

John Hunter Hospital

In-house training in the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Liverpool Hospital

  • In-house blood irradiator safety training course - half day (completed prior to 31/1/2017)
  • In-house training in the use of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Macquarie University

  • Radiation safety training (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Supervised training in the use of radioisotopes (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Monash University

  • Radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety course in the safe use of unsealed radioactive substances - 3 hours (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

National Institute of Health

Radiation protection and safety (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

National On Site Training

  • Use radioactive substances for educational, scientific or research
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers (completed prior to 14/12/2018)

New Children's Hospital

In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Peptech Ltd

In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Prince of Wales Hospital

In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Queensland University of Technology

  • Handling of radioactive materials (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Master of Applied Science (medical physics)

RADSMART (Gordon Mackenzie)

  • Industrial radiation safety officer - 1.5-3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for laboratory staff (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Master of Applied Science (medical and health physics)

Royal North Shore Hospital Knolling Institute

Training course on radiation (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Radiation safety training for medical laboratory scientists (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

SGS Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Australian Radiation Services Pty Ltd) Radiation safety course on handling unsealed radioactive material (completed prior to 7/3/2019)
University of Adelaide Master of Science (medical physics)

University of Alabama (Birmingham)

Radiation safety training (complete prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Canterbury Master of Science (clinical medical physics)

University of New England

  • In-house training on safe handling of various unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe handling of radioactive isotopes (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of radioisotopes - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Safe use of unsealed radioactive substances - 1 day (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

  • Radiation protection training program - 1.5 days run by Risk Management Unit (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house radiation safety training course - previously run by Risk Management Unit (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances - previously run by Risk Management Unit (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Unsealed ionising radiation sources used for analytical and scientific or research purposes (NSW EPA radiation user licences S5 and S8)
University of Newcastle
  • In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substance (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Training courses in radiation safety (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of NSW and Australian Atomic Energy Commission

Radiation protection course no. 9 (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Queensland

Radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Sydney

  • In-house radiation safety course (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioisotopes (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Radiation safety for laboratory workers
  • Radiation safety in laboratories (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Master of Medical Physics

University of Technology Sydney

In-house training on the safe handling of unsealed radioactive substances (completed prior to 31/12/2017)

University of Western Australia

  • Radiation safety course - 3 days (completed prior to 31/12/2017)
  • Master of Science (medical physics)
University of Wollongong Master of Science (medical radiation physics)
Virtual Accident
  • Unsealed sources - Ionising radiation for licence conditions S5/S8
  • Ionising radiation and research (completed prior to 9/11/2018)
  • Sealed sources - Ionising radiation S5/S8

Western Sydney Local Health District (Westmead Hospital)


I-125 seed handling for breast pathology

S45: Use radioactive substances for tracer studies (excluding studies on humans)

No specific qualifications have been determined. Applications will be referred to the Radiation Advisory Council for consideration.

Safe handling unsealed radioactive material

Safe handling unsealed radioactive material

Safe handling unsealed radioactive material

IA41: Use radiation apparatus for detection of concealed item

IA42: Use for human imaging for security screening purposes

IA41: Use radiation apparatus for detection of concealed item

Must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses, applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Safe use of x-ray equipment
Bartolo Safety Management Services The Safe Use of Portable X-ray Apparatus for the Detection of Concealed Items (Security)
Standing Advisory Committee for the Prevention Against Violence (SACPAV) Bomb Technician Accreditation

IA42: Use for human imaging for security screening purposes

Must provide evidence of successful completion of the following course, applicable to the particular work proposed to be carried out:

Institutions Courses
Corrective Services NSW - Department of Communities and Justice Radiation safety training - IA42 Human screening for security purposes
Diagnostic Radiation Services Pty Ltd Radiation use licence training for whole body security screening

IA23: Use radiation apparatus for veterinary purposes - Veterinarians

IA23S: Use radiation apparatus for veterinary purposes under supervision - Veterinary Assistants

IA23RO: Use radiation apparatus for veterinary radiation oncology – Veterinarians

S23RO: Use radioactive substances for veterinary purposes radiation oncology - Veterinarians

S23NM: Use radioactive substances for diagnostic veterinary nuclear medicine - Veterinarians

S23NMT: Use radioactive substances for therapeutic veterinary nuclear medicine - Veterinarians

S23S: Use of radioactive substances for veterinary therapy nuclear medicine procedures (Veterinary assistants handling I-131 waste)

IA23: Use radiation apparatus for veterinary purposes

Note: An applicant receiving provisional registration for veterinary science for equine practice from the NSW Veterinary Surgeon's Board will only be granted a 12 month non-renewable licence.

Must provide evidence of current registration with a veterinary board in an Australian jurisdiction (NSW Veterinary Practice Amendment (Interstate Veterinary Practitioners) Act 2011).

IA23S: Use radiation apparatus for veterinary purposes under supervision - Assistants

Must provide evidence of one of the following:

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Technology - Charles Sturt University (including evidence of completion of subject ASC281 - Diagnostic Imaging for Veterinary Technologists)
  • Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (Animal Care and Management Training Package) conducted by a registered training organisation (RTO) in NSW.
  • Certificate 111 in Equine Nursing (RTO No. 90000, NSW TAFE course 3726).
  • Eligibility for inclusion on Register of Veterinary Nurses - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK)

Note: The RTO must be currently registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver the course within NSW.

IA23RO: Use radiation apparatus for veterinary radiation oncology – Veterinarians

Must meet one of the following pre-requisites:

  1. Must provide certificate of current specialist registration in veterinary oncology from the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Veterinary Practices Act 2003).
  2. Must provide all of the following:
    • certificate of current registration as veterinary practitioner from the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Veterinary Practices Act 2003)
    • evidence of attainment of a qualification in radiation oncology from a tertiary institution including guidance information on the training undertaken to gain the qualification.
    • letter of support from a tertiary institution including a summary of radiation safety and practical training undertaken.
  3. Must provide the following:
    • Proof of being a current member in good standing of the American College of Veterinary Radiology – Diplomate in Radiation Oncology

S23RO: Use radioactive substances for veterinary radiation oncology - Veterinarians

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must meet one of the following pre-requisites:

1. Must provide certificate of current specialist registration in veterinary oncology from the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Veterinary Practices Act 2003).


2. Must provide all of the following:

  • certificate of current registration as veterinary practitioner from the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Veterinary Practices Act 2003)
  • evidence of attainment of a Diploma in Oncology from an overseas tertiary institution including guidance information on the training undertaken to gain the Diploma
  • letter of support from an overseas tertiary institution including a summary of radiation safety and practical training undertaken.

S23NM: Use radioactive substances for diagnostic veterinary nuclear medicine - Veterinarians

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must meet all three pre-requisites:

1. Must provide a certificate of current registration as a veterinary practitioner from the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Veterinary Practices Act 2003).

2. Must provide evidence of completion of formal radiation protection training.

3. Must provide one of the following:

  • letter of support from an overseas tertiary training institution verifying training and experience in nuclear medicine and an overview of the institution’s facility and protocols
  • a letter of support from a medical facility such as a hospital or an existing veterinary nuclear medicine practice that includes details of the radiation safety and practical training undertaken in nuclear medicine
  • evidence of attendance of lectures held by the Australian and New Zealand Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine (ANZAPNM) as part of their basic science course in nuclear medicine
  • evidence of medical nuclear medicine qualifications.

S23NMT: User radioactive substances for therapeutic veterinary nuclear medicine - Veterinarians

In addition to fulfilling the following requirement, applications for radioactive substances that exceed the Radiation Advisory Council activity threshold will be referred to the RAC for consideration.

Must meet one of the following pre-requisites:

1. Must provide all of the following:

  • a certificate of current registration as a veterinary practitioner from the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Veterinary Practices Act 2003)
  • evidence of successful completion of formal radiation protection training. The following course has been approved by the EPA:
    • I-131 Treatment for Feline Hyperthyroidism course conducted by Dosel (Australasia) Pty Ltd (Course completed from 14/11/2024)
  • a letter of support from a veterinarian, who holds a radiation licence to use I-131 on cats, which includes a summary of the training and experience provided.


2. Must provide all of the following:

  • a certificate of current registration as a veterinary practitioner from the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Veterinary Practices Act 2003)
  • must provide evidence of attaining Fellow of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in the discipline of feline medicine
  • must provide evidence of successful completion of formal radiation protection training.

S23S: Use radioactive substances for veterinary therapy nuclear medicine procedures (Assistants handling I-131 waste)

Must provide evidence of successful completion of:

1. Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (Animal Care and Management Training Package) conducted by a registered training organisation (RTO) in NSW; and evidence of successful completion of one of the following courses:

  •  Radiation Safety on the Use of I-131 in Veterinary Therapy course conducted by the University of Sydney
  • I-131 Treatment for Feline Hyperthyroidism course conducted by Dosel (Australasia) Pty Ltd (Course completed from 14/11/2024)
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