Case studies - Sustainability partnerships

Case studies for our 17 sustainability partners for 2022.

  • NSW Environmental and Zoological Education Centres - EZEC

    By working with schools, we engaged more than 2,500 students to take ownership of their schools waste.

  • Girl Guides

    A global movement, with ambitious sustainability goals, taking local actions to reduce their footprint.

  • Green Action Program

    Eight leading organisations in the music industry have taken action in response to climate change, including reducing their reliance on single-use plastics.

  • Great Plastic Rescue

    By offering a solution for businesses to dispose of their excess plastic stock responsible, Great Plastic Rescue diverted tonnes of plastic from landfill.

  • Green Connect

    Green Connect harnessed the power of sewing to create new alternatives to single-use plastic and start new conversations.

  • Green Music

    Green Music used the bans to share messages and build sustainability practices within the music sector.


    OzGREEN had hundreds of conversations to spread awareness of the bans and encouraged local events and festivals to minimise their waste.

  • Men's Shed

    ‘Going Green at the Shed’ was an awareness campaign deployed across all NSW Men Sheds to ensure the message was delivered to the community through channels that were suitable for them.

  • Meals on Wheels

    Reducing plastic waste by acts of kindness, delivering meals to the elderly helped raise awareness of the bans by leading by example.

  • Surfing NSW

    Surfing NSW spread awareness of the plastic bans through their international World Surf League webcast.

  • University of Wollongong

    The University of Wollongong introduced reusable plates, bowls and cutlery to help make their campus more environmentally friendly.

  • University of New England

    Through a series of podcast episodes, The University of New England raised awareness on the Single Use plastics bans while covering other environmental issues.

  • Plastic Free July

    1.5 million people in NSW are now participating in Plastic Free July.

  • Southern Cross University

    University students have started innovative solutions to replace problematic plastics and reduce waste.

  • KU Children's Services

    KU involved children in decision making to create plastic-free events.

  • Take 3 for the Sea

    Take 3 for the Sea used social media to inspire young people to make more positive, sustainable choices.

  • Addison Road and TAFE

    How can art and story be used to support the move away from single-use plastics?