If you wish to undertake fumigation, pest management technician work or timber pest management work and do not hold the relevant licence, you may only do that work if you obtain a training permit and are concurrently undertaking an approved course of training for your fumigation or pest management technician work. Training permits will also be needed for timber pest management technician work from 17 December 2023, unless you already have a pest management technician licence in which case all other trainee requirements must still be followed.
The fee for the application of a training permit made on or after 1 July 2022 is $170.00.
You can apply for a Training Permit using eConnect NSW.
An ‘approved course of training’ for trainee pest management technicians means completing the following units of competency in the CPP Property Services Training Package:
- CPPUPM3005 Manage pests without applying pesticides or CPPPMT3005 Manage pests without applying pesticides
- CPPUPM3006 Manage pests by applying pesticides or CPPPMT3006 Manage pests by applying pesticides
- CPPUPM3018 Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles or CPPPMT3018 Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles.
An ‘approved course of training’ for trainees wishing to do timber pest management technician work means completing all of the above units plus both the following units of competency in the CPP Property Services Training Package:
- CPPUPM3008 Inspect for and report on timber pests or CPPPMT3008 Inspect for and report on timber pests
- CPPUPM3010 Control timber pests or CPPPMT3010 Control timber pests.
An ‘approved course of training’ for trainee fumigators means completing one of the following units of competency in the CPP Property Services Training Package:
- CPPUPM3011 Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments or CPPPMT3011 Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments.
Visit Training.gov.au for more details on these units of competency and registered training organisations approved to deliver them.
Transitioning from a training permit to a full licence
If you have completed your training as a pest management technician, timber pest management technician or fumigator, you can apply for your full licence with eConnect.
You can apply for the full licence shortly before your training permit expires by using the ‘Training permit holders - apply for a Pesticide licence’ option. You will pay the full licence fee and it will be valid for 1 or 5 years depending on your selection.
If it is still a significant amount of time before the training permit expires you have two options:
- pay and apply for a full licence and get credited the outstanding prorated amount from the training permit towards the cost of the full licence, or
- apply for a licence which expires after the date that the training permit was issued and pay any pro-rata balance of the licence fee.
NOTE: If you hold a permit for both pest management technician/timber pest management technician and fumigator work you can only apply for the licence for which you have completed the required training.
Requirements for trainee supervision
You can only supervise a trainee if you hold a pest management technician, timber pest management technician or fumigator licence corresponding to the type of work being done by the trainee. If you do not have a licence, or the right type of licence, appoint a company employee who does to supervise the trainee.
Under the Pesticides Regulation 2017, you must ensure the trainee keeps and maintains a record of training, for example, logbook.
After each incidence of training, the trainee must update the record with:
- their name and address
- the name and address of each employer they work for
- the name of supervisor while the trainee is doing that work
- a description of the work
- the date or dates on which that work was done.
You must:
- sign and date the record each time the trainee updates it
- give the trainee directions, demonstrations, training and monitoring appropriate to the work they are doing
- directly supervise the trainee
- take immediate remedial action in the event of an emergency that arises from the trainee failing to competently carry out their work.
You can provide a more indirect degree of supervision if you are satisfied that the trainee is competent and will not endanger the health and safety of the trainee or any other person.
Note that new trainees must hold a training permit.
However, if an operator already holds a pest management technician licence and is training to upgrade to a timber pest management technician licence, no training permit is required but all the other training requirements must be followed.