Noise guide for local government

The noise guide provides practical advice for council officers on planning, assessing, managing and preventing local noise problems.

We've now published the revised Noise Guide for Local Government.

This is an update of the 2013 guide, based on feedback from stakeholders. It makes it easier for councils to find information on:

  • the legislative framework for managing noise
  • who is responsible for managing noise
  • options for managing noise. 

The guide has been designed primarily to meet the needs of councils. However, it may also be helpful for:

  • government agencies responsible for managing noise in certain circumstances, for example NSW Police and Transport for NSW
  • community members affected by noise seeking to understand who may be responsible for managing noise in specific circumstances and what regulatory (and non-regulatory) options are available to council (or other regulatory authorities) to resolve noise issues
  • acoustic consultants who may be required to prepare noise assessments on behalf of council, or for a council-regulated activity. 

The guide also reflects changes introduced by the Protection of the Environment (Noise Control) Regulation 2017 and other legislative changes made since 2013.

Before finalising the document, we put it online for public consultation and have published a summary of the submissions we received.

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