Do I need a licence?
The Guide to licensing (PDF 1MB) will help you determine whether you are required to hold a licence and provides other licensing information about
- how and where to apply for a licence
- how licence fees are calculated
- what you may need to do even if you are not required to hold a licence
It also provides a brief overview of the general licensing process, how it operates and what applicants need to know and provide when applying for an environment protection licence.
eConnect EPA is the Environment Protection Authority's (EPA) online licensing tool. Go to eConnect EPA to start an application for a licence.
Updating your licensed premises information
The EPA is undertaking a program to update licensed premises information for all environment protection licences across NSW.
The accuracy of licensed premises information is important, as it defines the premises on which scheduled activities are authorised to be carried out, as well as the area/activities that the licensee has overall management or control over.
The purpose of the program is to ensure that
- the premises that is licensed by the EPA is defined by data that can be accurately mapped
- the premises information accurately describes the land or waters where all licensed and ancillary activities are carried out.
If you have received a letter asking you to provide updated premises information to the EPA, the following instructions will help you provide the right information. If you choose to use Google Earth Pro to obtain this information, the instructions include information on how to download Google Earth Pro.
- Google Earth Pro Instructions – providing spatial data (PDF 527KB) - draw a premises boundary
- Google Earth Pro Instructions – providing spatial data (PDF 420KB) – draw a discharge and monitoring point