A long-term vision for waste management in NSW
The EPA is leading the development of a 20-year waste and resource recovery strategy for NSW. From the outset, the strategy will be co-designed with vital input from stakeholders and the community
Recycled newspaper in a baler
The NSW Government plays a leading role in the waste and resource recovery sector as enabler, co-investor and regulator.
Building on the State’s response to China’s changes to its policy about recyclable standards, the new waste strategy will provide a 20-year vision for
- reducing waste
- driving sustainable recycling markets, and
- improving the state and regional waste infrastructure network.
The new roadmap will lead to an integrated waste and resource recovery network across metropolitan and regional NSW and its targets will enable certainty and guide investment from both government and industry.
The 20-year waste strategy will set:
- new long-term goals for waste regeneration, resource recovery and landfill diversion
- new policy positions and strategic directions in relation to waste avoidance and resource recovery
- a plan for new or enhanced policies and programs to improve waste collection and distribution
- a framework for the delivery of an integrated infrastructure network
- an alignment of policy and regulation to achieve long-term strategic objectives
- a plan to strengthen data quality and access.
Setting the future vision through co-design
The EPA is using an innovative co-design approach to work with stakeholders to develop the strategy from the earliest stages. This will involve working closely with local government, industry, experts, the broader community and others to guide the development of the strategy.
In the coming months, the EPA will invite stakeholders to help identify current problems in the waste and resource recovery sector, set the scope and vision for the strategy and ultimately contribute to the content of the strategy itself.
For more information and to be kept informed, contact: 20YWS@epa.nsw.gov.au