Disclosure log 2023

Reference no.

Date the application was decided

Description of the information and the type of release (full or partial)

 GIPA EPA863  02/05/23 Full release – Records relating to the EPA's 2019 to 2020 review of the recovered fines industry.
 GIPA EPA866 06/03/23  Full release – Broula King Joint Venture (EPL 12845). Copies of the surface water management plan and records relating to the implementation of the additional surface water management controls for the period of December 2021 to 31 December 2022.
GIPA EPA867  09/02/23  Full release – Forbes Quarry (Miller’s Quarry), 282 Gaymards Lane, Forbes (EPL 1474). Premises map submitted with application No.1559618 to vary the environment protection licence on 23 November 2017.
GIPA EPA870   20/02/23 Full release – 179 Russell Avenue, Dolls Point. Records relating to complaints and non-compliance regarding the property trading as restaurant, café or kiosk as of February 2023.
 GIPA EPA873  08/03/23 Full release – Saint George Community Housing. Records relating to the EPA’s investigation (Reference 18702) in relation to 10-20 Nirimba Ave, Narwee.
GIPA EPA875  23/03/23  Full release – Korrongulla Swamp, Primbee (Lot 2 DP 773067). Water, air quality monitoring, and inspection reports, directions and warning letters, outgoing letters from the EPA, and follow-up actions generated between 01 January 2013 to 20 February 2023.
 GIPA EPA876 05/05/23  Full release – Vales Point Power Station (EPL 761). Ash Dam Groundwater Migration Pathways Report dated 30 January 2023.
GIPA EPA877  17/03/23  Full release – West Petroleum on 104 Lindesay Street Campbelltown NSW 2560. Records that relate to non-compliance in relation to a petrol and vehicle fire that occurred on 24 February 2023.
GIPA EPA878  12/01/2024   Partial release – Vales Point Power Station (EPL 761) – Copy of the Nitrogen Oxides Emission Control Engineering Feasibility Study and the Sulfur Oxides Emissions Reduction Study (December 2022).
 GIPA EPA879 03/05/23   Partial release – Foxglove Oval Mount Colah. Records relating to the EPA and Hornsby Shire Council’s management of pollution from former landfill site between 01 January 2000 to 11 March 2023. 
 GIPA EPA881 11/05/2023 Full release - Records relating to the exclusion of Lower Mount Street, Wentworthville as a James Hardie Asbestos Legacy site within the Parramatta Local Government Area.
GIPA EPA882  01/05/23 Full release – Resource Recovery Order for The Sydney Metro West (Stage 2) dated November 2022.
GIPA EPA884  12/05/23  Partial release – Correspondence in relation to the resource recovery order for The Sydney Metro West (Stage 2) tunnel spoil dated November2022, for period from January 2022 to November 2022.
 GIPA EPA885  18/08/23 Full release –Data from Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) regarding updates to FCNSW’s annual plan from June 2022 to 06 April 2023.
 GIPA EPA889 30/05/23 Full release – Copies of the Kantar Public Return and Earn consumer insights June 2022 presentation and full report.
 GIPA EPA890 05/07/23 Partial release – Correspondence and final signed documents in relation to the identification, selection, formulation, boundaries, description and/or mapping of the ‘West Lithgow Precinct’ for the NSW Energy from Waste infrastructure plan dated September 2021.
  GIPA EPA891 14/02/24 Full release – Maules Creek Coal Mine (EPL 20221). Videos of blasts that took place at the mine on 20 August 2020.
 GIPA EPA893 26/05/23  Full release – Dorrigo Rifle Club, 7 Whisky Creek, Dorrigo. Records regarding to the contaminated land incident investigation that occurred on 21 April 2022, for the period between 21 April 2023 to 12 May 2023.
 GIPA EPA894 02/06/23 Full release – 2 Holland St, Wickham. A copy of Fuchs Lubricants (Australasia) Pty Ltd’s Environmental Monitoring Summary Report dated 07 July 2022.
GIPA EPA896  23/06/23 Full release – Maps associated with licences in the White Bay / Glebe Terminal area, including Newcastle Port Corporation (EPL 7093), Linx Logistics P/L (EPL 4137), Metropolitan Demolitions & Recycling P/L (EPL 10026 and 13008), Gypsum Resources Australia P/L (EPL 11906), Cement Australia Holdings P/L (EPL 4310), Transport for NSW (EPL 11919), Knauf Plasterboard P/L (EPL 20330) and Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (EPL 20934).
 GIPA EPA897 03/07/23 Full release – 62A Deering Street, Ulladulla. Contamination report dated 14 January 2013.
GIPA EPA898  20/06/23 Full release – Maules Creek Coal P/L (EPL 20221). A copy of the licence review dated June 2023 and the licence review notification letter for November 2022. 
GIPA EPA901  18/08/23  Partial release – Correspondence between the EPA and Minister Kean’s Office and the EPA and the Department of Regional NSW in relation to the burning of native forest biomaterial for electricity for the period between 01 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 and 01 October 2021 to 24 March 2023 respectively.
GIPA EPA904  19/07/23  Partial release – 2 Hume Road, Smithfield. Records relating to the EPA’s decision to issue a clean-up notice dated 23 June 2023 for the site.
 GIPA EPA908  15/08/23 Full release – Premise information and boundary maps for various contamination sites in the Sydney metropolitan area, including Gore Creek Reserve Drainage Line, Railcorp Site Renwick Street, Ventemans Reach Bushland, Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre Carpark Landfill, Area 2 Moore Park, Bicentennial Reserve, Flat Rock Gully, De Burghs Cycleway Lane Cove National Park, A'Becketts Creek, and Former Sydney Wiremills (BHP) Site.
 GIPA EPA910 26/07/23 Full release – AJ Bush & Sons (Manufactures) Pty Ltd (EPL 1100), 1106 Windsor Road Riverstone. Copies of the latest odour assessment and odour management plans between early 2020 to 01 July 2023.
GIPA EPA911  11/08/23 Partial release – Minutes and tabled documents from Senior Officer Group meetings between the EPA and Forestry Corporation NSW between 01 January 2019 to 28 June 2023.
GIPA EPA912  31/08/23  Partial release – Copies of the final reports of the 2013 compliance campaign on the recovered fines industry and the 2019 review of the recovered fines orders and exemptions. Industry feedback and submissions to the EPA’s review of the recovered fines industry from 01 February 2022 to 10 May 2022.
 GIPA EPA914 8/08/23  Partial release – Shoalhaven Starches Pty Ltd (EPL 883). Records relating to noise complaints and infringement notices issued by the EPA between 01 January 2019 and 10 July 2023.
 GIPA EPA917  7/08/23 Full release – Data relating to odour complaints and odour controls implemented at licensed NSW canola or rapeseed processing sites including Cargill Australia Ltd, Cargill Processing Ltd, Cootamundra Oilseeds Pty Ltd, MSM Milling Pty Ltd and Riverina Oils & Bio Energy Pty Ltd between 2020 to 2023.
 GIPA EPA918  28/08/23

Partial release – Santos (EPL 20350). Copies of correspondence and reports relating to s 58 Licence Variations to EPL 20350, for Variation Notice 1622961 dated 17 Nov 2022, and Variation Notice 1629298 dated 19 June 2023 between 01 June 2022 and 14 July 2023.

 GIPA EPA919 21/08/23  Full release – Boral’s Hall Quarry (EPL 4082). Records relating to silica dust and any environmental records and or reports issued by the EPA in relation to the site.
GIPA EPA920  13/09/23  Full release – Newcrest’s Cadia Valley Operations (EPL 5590). Records in relation to Cadia’s Blayney dewatering facility between 31 August 2017 and 20 December 2018.
 GIPA EPA922 8/09/23  Full release – BP Service Station, Corner Lower Street and Monaro Highway, Queanbeyan. Records on petroleum leaks and reports on sewer monitoring on affected properties from 11 October 1990 to 08 December 1993.
GIPA EPA923   12/09/23 Full release – Sell & Parker Pty Ltd (EPL 11555), 24-43 & 45 Tattersall Road, Kings Park. Records relating to two noise emission events on 30 June 2023.
 GIPA EPA924 10/10/23  Full release – Cargill Processing Limited (EPL 902 & EPL 5810), Seven Star Innovation Pty Ltd (EPL 13328), and Riverina Oils and Bio Energy Pty Ltd (EPL 13097). Reports and data sheets relating to non-compliances and odour controls from 01 January 2020 to 29 August 2023
GIPA EPA926   30/10/23 Partial release – Tallaganda State Forest (TSF) – Records that relate to the EPA decision to issue a Stop Work Order on 31 August 2023 to Forestry Corporation NSW in TSF between 29 to 31 August 2023 and copies of community complaints received by the EPA relating to harvesting operations in TSF between 4 June 2023 to 4 September 2023.
 GIPA EPA931  6/11/23 Full release – Bungendore High School and Bungendore Rail Corridor. Recordsrelating to the proposed High School and/or Rail Corridor and public submissions from 01 January 2022 to 17 October 2023.
GIPA EPA932   6/11/23 Full release – Agnes Banks and Londonderry Sewerage Scheme (EPL 13070). Copies of service area maps.
 GIPA EPA933 21/01/24  Partial release – Glenella Quarry (EPL 20632). Records relating to the follow-up actions of Prevention Order 3506243 from 10 August 2023 to 31 October 2023.


 5/12/23  Partial release – Tallaganda State Forest (TSF). Records relating to an autopsy on the Southern Greater Glider found in TSF between 30 August 2023 to 20 October 2023.
 GIPA EPA935  8/11/23 Full release – Peabody Energy’s Metropolitan Colliery, Helensburgh. A copy of the coal washery rejects exemption 2017 and coal washery rejects order 2017.
 GIPA EPA936 8/12/23  Partial release – Tallaganda State Forest  – Copy of the Stop Work Order issued to Forestry Corporation of NSW in relation to forestry operations that were carried out at Tallaganda State Forest in Compartments 2447A, 2448A, 2449A, 2450A, 2451A, 2208A, 2209A.
 GIPA EPA938  21/11/23 Full release – Unit 10, 52 Holker Street, Silverwater. Records relating to a fire incident that occurred on 23 March 2023 at the property between 01 March 2022 to 24 October 2022.
 GIPA EPA941 13/12/23  Full release – Former Woodleys (Berrys Bay) Pty Ltd, Berrys Bay Waverton. Copy of Report to Office of Environment and Heritage on Environmental Opinion for Source of Sediment Contamination (June 2011).
GIPA EPA944   21/12/23 Full release – UGL Regional Lynx (EPL 13421) – Copy of the Rail Network Diagram, ‘Railways of New South Wales – 2018 JHR V0.7.’
GIPA EPA945  23/02/24  Partial release – Records of information about how the koala hubs maps were designed for period between 26 March 2022 and 12 September 2023.
 GIPA EPA947  23/01/24 Full release – Vales Point Power Station (EPL 761) – Copy of the Groundwater Monitoring Report (September 2023) prepared for Delta Electricity.
GIPA EPA948  15/03/24 Partial release – Vales Point Power Station (EPL 761). Records relating to a variation of the conditions to grant an exemption to the limits for nitrogen dioxide or nitric oxide or both as NO2 equivalent and an exemption order between 01 January 2020 and 08 December 2023.
GIPA EPA950   20/03/24 Full release – Glenella Quarry (EPL 20632). Correspondence between the EPA and external parties relating to development applications and approvals of DA73/2007 and DA117/06 for the expansion plans of Glenella Quarry between 01 January 2006 and 01 December 2023.
GIPA EPA952   22/01/24 Full release – 70 Craigie Avenue, Kanwal and 50 Pearce Road, Kanwal. Copies of groundwater, soil and soil vapour studies, reports and audit statements between 01 January 2016 to 18 December 2023.
 GIPA EPA954  16/02/24 Full release – Premises maps associated with sewage treatment licences including Sydney Water (EPL 13047 and EPL 20202) and Maryland Development Company (EPL 20310).
 GIPA EPA955 23/01/24  Partial release – Inspection reports, notices, letters and correspondence between the EPA and Yaem Pty Ltd, the company formerly MMP lndustrial Pty Ltd, in relation to breaches or potential breaches of environmental laws and regulations between 01 January 2014 to 21 December 2023.