Advisory council to engage young environmentalists
We are excited to start engaging more formally with young people on issues that matter to them with plans for an environment youth advisory council.
New environment advisory council to engage young people
People aged 15-24 make up nearly a quarter of the total population of NSW and they have the greatest stake in the future of our environment. At the EPA we already engage with young people in a range of ways and our 30-year anniversary provided an ideal time to reflect on past achievements and to look to future generations.
The great insight of the 18th century thinker Edmund Burke was that “society is a partnership between those who are living, those who have lived before us and those who are yet to be born.”
The Council will draw on young people from across NSW with different backgrounds and different life stories to help us improve what we can do as custodians of the environment and to give us feedback on policy, programs and on youth-targeted initiatives.
EPA sponsors environmental educators’ conference to reach youth educators
We were proud to be closely involved in the Australian Association of Environmental Educators NSW Conference held on the University of Newcastle campus at Ourimbah this month..
Our organics and reporting teams presented learning resources and data-rich information to over 100 school teachers and other environmental educators to assist in their environmental engagement with young people.
EPA Organics Manager Amanda Kane chats with delegate
Genus Earth's Jon Owen discusses State of Environment Report with EPA's Noni Pryzbilski
Earthcare Game helps understand the litter cycle